On National Guard Day, 54 servicemen and servicemen received state and departmental honors

26.03.2021 16:53

On the occasion of the 7th anniversary of the foundation of the National Guard of Ukraine, solemn events were held in the Main Directorate.

On its territory was developed an exhibition of the latest models of specialized and armored military equipment, means of communication, elements of medical support for the guards.

Together with others, the exposition was examined by the First Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Serhiy Yarovyi and the commander of the NGU, Colonel-General Mykola Balan. After that, they checked the work of the Situation Center of the National Guard.

During the event, addressing the personnel of the National Guard, First Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Serhiy Yarovyi noted the significant contribution of the guards to the protection of the state and the maintenance of the security of citizens.

“At a crucial time, the people look at their defenders with special respect. The level of trust of Ukrainian society in the National Guard, which exists today, is a powerful indicator of your round-the-clock work. Every day the National Guard becomes stronger and closer to NATO standards and principles, actively cooperates with international partners in various directions. Do not dwell on all the achievements that you have achieved,” he said.

By order of the President of Ukraine, the First Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine and the commander of the National Guard presented state awards to the guards. A total of 54 servicemen and servicemen were awarded. 40 people received state awards, 2 awards of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, 4 of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and 8 of the National Guard of Ukraine.

The title of “Honored Artist of Ukraine” was also awarded to the soloist of the Academic Ensemble of Song and Dance of NGU Oksana Nesterenko.

“The coronavirus pandemic has made its adjustments to the life of Ukrainian society. Today, brigades, regiments, battalions and other units cannot celebrate the day of the National Guard of Ukraine in full. However, this holiday has become no less important, and today we need to express gratitude to all servicemen, volunteers and volunteers for their contribution to the protection of the state and the security of citizens,” said Colonel General Mykola Balan in his speech.

He also noted that during the past year, the National Guard performed a full range of military and law enforcement tasks. According to the commander of the National Guard of Ukraine, every day the National Guard develops and becomes stronger, exchanging experience with other components of the security and defense sector of Ukraine and similar formations of partner countries.

“Thanks to the support of the state and our joint work, a lot has been achieved, in particular, in 2020, to provide more than 400 families of guards with their own housing. And soon a physical education and health complex will be opened near Kiev for the soldiers of the National University of Science and Sciences and their families. Active construction of new houses and a preschool educational institution for children of guards near Kiev continues,” the commander of the NGU stressed.

The events were carried out with the participation of a limited number of personnel and in compliance with quarantine restrictions.

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