Chernivtsi police seized more than 2.5 thousand drug-containing plants

05.09.2021 21:37

Plants, dried hemp, weapons and ammunition were seized from the offender. The man was detained and placed in a temporary detention facility. For violation of current legislation, he faces up to 7 years in prison.

Having received information that a 33-year-old resident of the village of Mytkiv grows drug-containing plants in the garden, the employees of the Chernivtsi district police department and the police department number 3 subordinate to it (m. Zastavna) carried out an authorized search on the territory of the husband's household. The police found evidence of his illegal activities.

In particular, more than 2.5 thousand cannabis bushes, 20 kg of dried drug materials, a device for using drugs, a rifled rifle, more than 100 rounds and 2 pistols were seized from the offender.

The seized physical evidence was sent by police officers for examination to the Chernivtsi Research Expert and Forensic Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The attacker had previously already fallen into the field of view of the police for committing a criminal offense. The police detained him in accordance with Article 208 (Detention by an authorized official) of the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine.

Currently, police investigators are deciding the issue of notifying the detainee of suspicion of committing criminal offenses provided for in Part 1 of Art. 263 (Illegal handling of weapons, war supplies or explosives) and Part 2 of Art. 310 (Sowing or cultivation of dreamy poppy or hemp) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. Also, law enforcement officers establish the origin of the seized and check the man for involvement in the sale of drugs.

Police Communication Department of Chernivtsi Oblast

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