Near the border with Belarus, border guards detained three smugglers with packages of medicines

27.03.2021 11:27

Employees of the State Border Guard continue to identify offenders who are trying to illegally move goods across the state border. One such case was exposed yesterday by the border guards of the Zhytomyr detachment.

So, thanks to early operational information, the border outfit of the department “Vychevka” during the patrol noticed a group of three people carrying packages on their shoulders. Border guards immediately took measures to detain the offenders.

As it turned out, the men, having crossed the border illegally, brought Russian-made medicines from Belarus. None of them had any documents with him. Currently, the detainees and the goods have been delivered by the border guards to the border unit. Having established the identity of smugglers, which turned out to be citizens of Ukraine, residents of one of the settlements of Rivne region, border guards compiled administrative materials for violation of the state border and border regime.

Smuggled medicines of almost fifty items of various quantities were handed over to customs officers.

The amount of the estimate is set.

Press service of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine

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