The aviation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is preparing for the air parade on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the independence of Ukraine

12.08.2021 15:01

In the military parade in honor of the Independence Day of Ukraine, which will be held in the capital on August 24, aircraft and helicopters of the Air Security System of the Ministry of Internal Affairs will take part for the first time.

Flight crews of the National Guard of Ukraine, the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine, the National Police of Ukraine and the State Emergency Service of Ukraine began group flight training as part of the general air column at Nizhyn airfield.

Air equipment of the Ministry of Internal Affairs joins the general air column of the security and defense forces. Prior to that, during the month, the flight staff of the aviation system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs carried out practical training and training flights at the point of permanent deployment.

From the National Guard of Ukraine, 2 An-72 aircraft and 2 H225 helicopters with a full crew will be involved in the air column. From the State Emergency Service of Ukraine - an AN-32P aircraft and 3 helicopters H225. From the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine — 2 DA-42 aircraft. From the National Police of Ukraine - helicopter H145.

Department of Communications of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine




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