Arsen Avakov: Ministry Of Internal Affairs of Ukraine and The Department of Home Affairs of Australia will work together to counter cross-border cyber threats (Photo)

24.10.2018 04:44

During the working visit of Ukrainian delegation to Australia, Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Arsen Avakov and Minister for Home Affairs of Australia Peter Dutton agreed to develop a joint program of systematic interaction to counter terrorism and cybercrime.​

The Head of the National Police of Ukraine Serhiy Knyazev and the Commissioner of the Australian Federal Police Andrew Colvin also attended this meeting.

According to the Head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, today the world has common threats - terrorism in all its manifestations and the cyber-attacks. Due to the hybrid war with the Russian Federation, it is essential for Ukraine to strengthen its presence, first of all, in terms of combating and protecting against cyber threats.

"Ukraine is the first proving ground where Russia tests its hybrid technology, and we have a lot of experience in how to deal with them. In this conflict there are "adventurers" from Australia who joined the illegal armed groups.Such kind of people who have gained experience in hybrid conflicts are also dangerous for your society, because they are the carriers of specific information which can harm national security in favor of aggressive actions of the Russian Federation. In this area, we cooperate with Italy and the UK, so we would like to provide you this list of five Australian citizens for response and tough actions,” Arsen Avakovsaid.

According to him, Ukraine already has common contacts with its colleagues, namely Australian cyber specialists.

"We had two very successful joint operations, but we would like our system to work. In two days, I will be in INTERPOLcyber center (IGCI) in Singapore, where we want to substantially strengthen our presence, first of all, in terms of combating cyberwar and defense.We are working very thoroughly on this issue with our colleagues from the USA and the UK. The largest is the worldwide Special Operation "Avalanche" for detecting bank fraudsters, and our joint international group on combating the Non Petya virus, which, as I know, also has hit Australia,” theMinister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine said, adding that the criminal group that distributed Non Petya, was involved in the attack on the elections in France and the UK.

The Minister for Home Affairs Peter Dutton noted that Australia is already part of the so-called "Five-Eyes" organization together with the United States, Canada, New Zealand and the United Kingdom, but is interested in expanding cooperation.

"In the Australian context, we are concerned about the impact of China and Russia on cyber-threats. Here, we have developed certain standards aimed at countering these attacks, protecting critical infrastructure and large-scale international capital that exists in our country. Regarding intelligence, as you know, we are in a union with Canada, the USA, New Zealand and the UK, but we are also interested to go beyond the Union in the context of intelligence data. Therefore, here we can consider the draft joint statement," Peter Dutton said.

In addition, the parties discussed the mutual recognition of driving licenses and other ID-documents, as well as Attracting assistance from the Australian Government to provide psychological and physiological rehabilitation of injured soldiers and policemen during the ATO / United Force Operation servicemen and policemen..


Communication Department of the MIA of Ukraine

Photo by Julia Babich

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