Vyacheslav Abroskin: From now on, the police launched the all-Ukrainian operation to counter the illicit arms trafficking (PHOTOS)

07.09.2017 08:30

This was announced by the first deputy chairman of the National Police of Ukraine - the Head of the criminal police today, September 7.

He noted that the main goal of the operation is to counter the illicit arms trafficking in Ukraine, including stopping its leak from the territory of the anti-terrorist operation.

«Our main goal is the security of the citizens all over the country. Only the last day police officers seized 25 firearms, about two thousand ammunition and six explosive devices. Therefore, we are stepping up our efforts to counter the proliferation of weapons in order to protect every Ukrainian», ‑ said Vyacheslav Abroskin.

The operation started in the Odesa region, where today, at 5 am, the personnel of the regional police was raised alarmingly. From today, and at the special disposal, the regional police officers will work proactively. In the nearest future, the work on stopping the illegal circulation of weapons will be strengthened in all regions of Ukraine.

The First Deputy Head of the National Police noted that illegal weapons are not only a violation of the law, but also the cause of accidents, which have recently increased in peaceful regions of the country. Enhanced measures are primarily aimed at saving lives and health of citizens, as well as preventing the use of weapons.

Generally since the beginning of 2017, about 1.4 thousand firearms, 916 grenades, 21 explosive devices and more than 120 thousand beacons have been seized.

Police draws the attention of citizens to the fact that illegal possession of weapons and ammunition entails criminal liability, except when citizens voluntarily surrender it to the police units.

It is worth mentioning that the National Police and the carriers are planning to conclude a memorandum of cooperation in combating illicit weapons trafficking.

Department of Communication

National Police of Ukraine

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