Ukrainian Police Will Undergo Intensive Training Program Of The Australian Federal Police (Photo)

24.10.2018 07:48

The program includes management of serious crime investigations.Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Arsen Avakov agreed on this today, on October 24, duringhis visit to the Australian Federal Police College.

"There are 140 thousand employees in the Ukrainian police. Our key partners in their professional training are the USA, Canada and the EU. Australia's experience in police personneltraining, especially in the area of serious crime investigation, will be valuable for Ukrainian lawenforcement officers, "Arsen Avakov said.

The Australian Federal Police College is located in Canberra. It provides full training of police personnel -from recruits to senior officers. The basic level of training lasts for six months. Further training duration varies depending on the selected training course.

"The fundamental principle of College workis the teaching of people and the transfer of practical skills. At the same time, the cultural development of the police is important. After the graduation, our staff continues to monitor graduates through their direct coordinators at the workplace, "Kylie Flover, Head of the Department of Training and Development of the Australian Federal Policesaid.

According to her, the Australian police also has an international training center in Jakarta (Indonesia). The Center provides trainingprograms for all international partners.

The Head of the National Police of Ukraine Sergey Knyazev shared experience in the police training systemreforming in Ukraine. In particular, he told about the creation and first achievements of the Academy of Patrol Police, which began police officers training in January this year.

“Recently, there was a fifth graduation in the Ukrainian Academy. Nearly 500 policemen have already completed the curriculum that we have developed with the help of our international partners.But for us, the experience of Australian policemen who have such a powerful training base is very important,"Sergey Knyazev emphasized.

The Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraineinvited the representatives of the Australian Federal Police College to visit the Academy of Patrol Police in Ukraine and to assist in the preparation of specialized training programs.


Communication Department of the MIA of Ukraine

Photo by Julia Babich

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