Trainings for gender advisors began in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine (PHOTOS)

15.11.2017 07:00

Trainings "Integration of Gender Aspects to the Work of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine" for the Gender Focal Point Network representing various departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, the National Police of Ukraine, the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine, State Emergency Service of Ukraine and the State Migration Service of Ukraine began in Kyiv.

"Gender Focal Point Network is a new model for Ukraine, but at the same time it is an ordinary and effective tool used by public institutions in Europe, Australia, Canada and various international organizations. It is also a step towards fulfilling the obligations of the MoIA within the framework of NATO's strategic gender goal. Today we have completed work on the 2020 Action Plan, which is based on the implementation of Resolution 1325 (Women, Peace and Security), and we are already waiting for its signing, "- said Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine on European Integration Anastasia Deeva.

The main objectives of the Network are to ensure monitoring of the implementation of the action plan, advocacy for gender equality, training for employees, development of advice in the context of reforms at all levels, and effective feedback.

Today gender issues are becoming more often on the agenda of Ukraine. According to the deputy minister, this is due to the fact that both the society and the state begin to understand that gender equality is not just a new phenomenon or trend, it is not just personnel quotas, but above all equal conditions for work and professional development for women and men.

"The fact that we are now not in the pilot phase, but already in the implementation one adds optimism. We have the "green light" from the Vice Prime Minister of European and Euro-Atlantic integration of Ukraine Ivanna Klympush-Tsintsadze, which is national coordinator for gender equality, full support of the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Arsen Avakov, support of all our heads of central executive bodies and the National Guard. I also want to thank the European Union Advisory Mission (EUAM Ukraine) and the Folk Bernadotte Academy (FBA) for their active support and participation in the important process of ensuring gender equality in Ukraine", - summed up Anastasia Deeva.


Department of Communications of the MoIA
Photo by Andrey Novitsky

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