The civil people protection in weapon conflict zone in East of Ukraine was discussed on international level in MIA (PHOTO)

07.12.2016 12:23

Deputy ministry of MIA of Ukraine in questions of European integration Anastasia Deeva and adviser of the Minister Ivan Varchenko met with representatives of Center for Civilians in Conflict (CIVIC) Federico Borello and Jay Morze. 

«All citizens of Ukraine on both sides from the contact line must know that their state can provide protection and help them», - Anastasia Deeva marked.

CIVIC representatives stated that state bodies of Ukraine formulate a row of agencies that will specialize in civil people’s protection. This is needed for successful unification of Ukraine

«Course on civil people’s protection must be distinctly formulated on national level similar with its formulation in USA and NATO», - Federico Borello said.

Such politics, he added, will indicate the priority of civil protection for the highest state management will be a base for all institutional initiatives in this field, will define the managers who will be responsible for its realization, and will help to involve support of international partners of Ukraine. 

MIA representatives from their side framed the priority tasks that Ministry solves in the field of protection of rights and freedoms of person, society and state’s interests, counteraction of crimes, supporting of public security and order, and providing of police services in regions near the conflict zone. 

Created in 2003 in USA, CIVIC works on protection of civil people who become the victims of conflicts, providing personal rights, assisting in state politics, directed on prevention of harm according to international obligations.

Currently, CIVIC presents a report called «We are Afraid of the Silence» in Kyiv. This is based on researches, held in Ukraine in June-October 2016 year on territories near the delimitation line.

Communication Department of MIA Ukraine

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