The city police officers who robbed passengers at the railway station were kept under arrest (PHOTOS, VIDEO)

05.09.2017 08:50

A group of the Patrol officers was detained in Kyiv during the joint special operation of the Department of Homeland Security of the National Police of Ukraine and the Metropolitan Prosecutor's Office, with the assistance of the management of the Patrol Police Department of the National Police. They beat and robbed the passengers of the Central Railway Station of the capital. Taken into custody officers were handed notification of suspicion.

The Kyiv City Administration of the Department of Homeland Security of the National Police of Ukraine received the information on the unlawful actions of the patrol police officers who serve on the territory of the Central Railway Station of the city.

It was found that five policemen aged 22-33 chose their «victims» among the passengers of the station. They took single people in the state of alcohol intoxication to the office, where used physical violence, special means and took valuable things or money.

According to the materials of the Kyiv City Administration of the Department of Homeland Security of the National Police, investigators of the Metropolitan Prosecutor's Office initiated criminal proceeding under p. 2 of the a. 186 (Robbery) and p.2 of the a. 365 (Excess of official authority by the law enforcement officer) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.

Sergeant, two lieutenants and two senior lieutenants of the Kyiv Patrol Police were detained after committing another robbery. The detention was carried out by the fighters of the Department of Rapid Reaction of the DHS of the NPU, the Kyiv City Administration of the DHS of the NPU, and the investigators of the Metropolitan Prosecutor's Office. The special operation was held with the assistance of the National Patrol Police Department. 10 thousand UAH were taken from the latest victims by the lawbreakers.

During authorized searches, money, ammunition, amphetamine, marijuana, which police used in person, were found and seized. At the present time, the officers are being arrested in accordance with the Article 208 of the CPC of Ukraine.

The Head of the National Police of Ukraine Serhiy Knyazev emphasized his categorical position regarding violations of the legislation by the police officers.

«This night at the Kyiv station, officers of the Department of Homeland Security of the National Police arrested five policemen. They are charged with the excessive power and robbery. This case was stopped and the others will be as well. I am emphasizing my categorical attitude to the violation of the Law! Every dishonest employee will be dismissed and punished for the police discrediting», ‑ said Sergey Knyazev.

Investigators of the city Prosecutor's Office handed notification of suspicion to the detained in the commission of crimes provided for in p.2 of the a.186 and p.2 of the a.365 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. The issue of choosing them as a preventive measure and the final qualification of their actions is being solved.

Department of Homeland Security of the National Police of Ukraine

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