The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine and the International Organization of Criminal Police - INTERPOL identified the main areas of interaction (PHOTOS)

22.11.2017 13:18

On November 22, 2017, during a working visit at the invitation of the French Republic, the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Arsen Avakov met with the Secretary-General of ICPO-INTERPOL, Jürgen Stock.

During the meeting were identified the most effiсient methods of cooperation between the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, the National Police of Ukraine and the International Criminal Police Organization - INTERPOL in the area of fight against common crime and, in particular,  cybercrime and drug-related crime.

"The exchange of operational information related to the current criminal proceedings, participation in joint investigation of a relatively wide range of crimes, as well as in the joint analysis of operational information is a very important area of interaction between the National Police of Ukraine and the International Criminal Police Organization - INTERPOL in combating common crime.  During the meeting with the General Secretary of ICPO-INTERPOL, Jürgen Stock, we identified the main areas of cooperation, in particular, in the field of cyber and drug-related crime, in providing Ukraine's access to the I-24/7 telecommunication system using FIND technology and in preventing the abuse of INTERPOL mechanisms by Russia”, - said the head of the MIA.

INTERPOL's General Secretary Jürgen Stock during the working meeting underscored the high professional level of the Ukrainian representative at the ICPO-INTERPOL and called to increase their number.

In turn, Arsen Avakov informed that in 2018 the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine would send two more police officers to work in the International Criminal Police Organization:

"Ukraine belongs to the top ten countries regarding quality and intensity of cooperation with ICPO-INTERPOL: during three years the number of requests for searches in the databases has grown almost 370 times and today amounted to 34.7 million.  INTERPOL processes 3 Ukrainian requests every second!  It is only the beginning of cooperation, and we have large common action plans.  In 2018 we will send two more police officers to work in INTERPOL".

During 2017 the National Police of Ukraine has undertaken some measures to implement the SOCTA  (serious and organized crime threat assessment) project - in-depth analysis of the major crime threats facing the EU.  For this purpose, at the initiative of the EU Advisory Mission in Ukraine, an interdepartmental working group was established, comprising representatives of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine and the competent units of the National Police of Ukraine.

The work of this group resulted in the development of a strategy to implement the methodology of SOCTA, adoption of the procedure for creating a system of information collection, processing and summarizing using modern analytical methods, and also the preparation of a methodological manual on SOCTA taking into account the specifics of Ukraine.

"To ensure the efficient work of units engaged in the analysis of operational crime-related information, it is necessary to create a unified information space, namely: an analyst workstation.

 It should allow access to the databases of the National Police, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, state information registers, INTERPOL and Europol data, GIS systems, as well as provide the ability to collect data from open sources of information.  Also within the framework of a pilot project, we plan to establish special regional departments under the Main Directorates of the National Police of Ukraine in four border regions of Ukraine", - noted Arsen Avakov.

To this end, the search is underway for software tools that provide the ability to process and systematize large amounts of information with its subsequent visualization through existing software solutions.  The MIA also develops its software for collecting, accumulating and structuring data using previously created analytical tools.


INTERPOL is the international criminal police organization whose main task is to prevent and fight crime through enhanced cooperation and innovation on police and security matters.

INTERPOL is the police body, consisting of investigators and analysts who are engaged in the wanted criminals retrieval. There are no field detectives in the staff of INTERPOL.  Once the investigators receive reliable information about the location of the wanted person, they hand over the task of catching him/her to representatives of the law enforcement agencies of the country where the offender was located.  Thus, we can say that INTERPOL is an exclusively investigative and analytical body.

The headquarters of INTERPOL is located in Lyon, France.  192 states are now members of the organization.

INTERPOL Constitution "strictly prohibits" any intervention or activities of a political, military, religious or racial character (article 3 of the Constitution).

The main results of work of the National Central Bureau of INTERPOL in Ukraine for 2016-2017.

Over the past two years, the National Central Bureau of INTERPOL in Ukraine made 69,945 contacts within the framework of interaction with the National Central Bureaus of INTERPOL of other countries-participants and the General Secretariat of the Organization and 68,404 contacts with law enforcement bodies of Ukraine. 

Most recently, the largest number of contacts have been made with the following countries:  Moldova, Germany, Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary, Italy, France, Belarus, the United Kingdom and Romania.

During 2016, using the INTERPOL capabilities:

- 492 persons were located who were wanted for crimes both by law enforcement agencies of Ukraine and law enforcement agencies of other states;

- 92 persons were extradited, including 35 persons to Ukraine and 57 persons from Ukraine to other countries.

During January - October 2017:

- 681 wanted persons were located;

- 112 persons were extradited, including 40 persons to Ukraine and 72 persons from Ukraine.

Department of communication of MIA-Ukraine

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