The Ministry of Internal Affairs discussed migration issues with the Ambassador of Sweden (PHOTO)

26.10.2017 13:31

Deputy Minister Tetyana Kovalchuk met with the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Sweden to Ukraine in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Tetyana Kovalchuk noted that the Ministry of Internal Affairs as a politico-forming body is in the active phase of reformation. Therefore, a balanced migration policy system, which is a priority for the development of the ministry, will soon be introduced.

"In fruitful cooperation with the international migration organization, we are developing common directives that apply to the entire European community. We are always ready for a dialogue on common issues on migration," - said Tetyana Kovalchuk.

According to the deputy minister, in the second half of 2018 an agreement on refugees will be adopted, which should change the outdated Convention. It is worth noting that Ukraine is committing a peace-loving policy towards stateless persons and has already developed a relevant bill. The main objective of the bill is the proportional distribution of migration load between UN member states.

"We are now in the stage of an active phase of hostilities, therefore, the challenge for us is the number of displaced persons inside the country. On the one hand, they are homeless, on the other - victims, because their rights are rudely violated. We need to develop a system that will adequately and quickly respond to all the threats," - Tetyana Kovalchuk emphasized.

At the same time, according to the deputy minister, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the State Migration Service are doing their utmost to improve the status of refugees. Many of them already have families in Ukraine, and with the support of international organizations, it is necessary to legalize their stay in our country. Tetyana Kovalchuk stressed that for three years the State Migration Service has done a great job in assuring human rights.

"Society is proactive, and we will support the involvement of civil society in accountability of everything that is happening in the law enforcement system, because the trust of citizens is the main indicator of our work," - noted the deputy minister.

The Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Sweden to Ukraine Martin Hagström said that Sweden has a very similar system to the one that is being implemented at the Ministry of Internal Affairs. He noted Ukraine's readiness to cooperate and share information and stressed that Sweden would be an active participant in the migration dialogue.

"We have a history of how to cope with refugees. Sweden is also one of the largest humanitarian donors, so we are very involved in this area," - added Martin Hagström.

According to the Ambassador, it is necessary to concentrate on the issue of labor migration and the provision of decent working conditions for people. It is also important to focus on the gender and age aspects of migration within the country.

"As far as the immigrants are concerned," - added Martin Hagström, - it is necessary to give them the opportunity to make a living and be useful to the country of their residence. It is not an option to return people home if they are not safe there," - the ambassador emphasized.

Department of Communication of MoIA

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