National Central Bureau of Interpol in Ukraine has sent to the General Secretariat of Interpol the information about possible Russian provocation

23.12.2020 15:31

On December 11, 2020, the National Central Bureau of Interpol in Ukraine has sent to the General Secretariat of the International Criminal Police Organization the information about possible attempt to misuse the information system of Interpol.

The National Bureau in Ukraine has preventively informed the Interpol headquarters, that the publication in open sources of the intention of Russian Investigative Committee to declare senior sergeant of the National Guard of Ukraine Vitaliy Markiv internationally wanted using Interpol tools contradicts Art. 3 of the Charter of the organization and violates the rules of information processing, as the accusations of Vitaliy Markiv are groundless and politically biased.

In the reply letter, received the same day, December 11, 2020, the General Secretariat of Interpol confirmed the reception of the information and thanked the Ukrainian colleagues for cooperation: "The General Secretariat confirms the reception of your notification below and would like to thank your Bureau for its continued participation in ensuring the integrity of its Interpol databases".

The head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Arsen Avakov stressed that the National Police of Ukraine systematically monitors information on the so-called "Markiv case" and has preventively sent a warning to Interpol about possible provocation by the Russian Federation.

"The Putin regime has attempted to organize a fake case against National Guardsman Vitaliy Markiv and failed in Italian court, and now they are trying to use Interpol's tools. However, Interpol is a serious international organization that does not allow such cheap provocations. The only thing that the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation has achieved is that Vitaliy Markiv will not be able to travel around the Golden ring of Russia yet. However, it will not always be so! ", - stated the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Arsen Avakov.

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