MIA of Ukraine will cooperate with «UN Women» in questions of gender equality (PHOTO)

28.11.2016 13:48

The meeting of deputy Ministry of MIA Ukraine in European integration Anastasia Deeva was devoted to the development of strategic interaction. Anastasia Deeva met with delegation «UN Women» and representatives of International charity fund «Ukrainian women fund».

The Sides pointed the ways of the future cooperation and underlined the mutual interest in the widening of interaction in gender equality questions. Firstly, they discussed «UN WOMEN» experts involving into workgroup in questions of implementation of UN Resolution # 1325 «Women, peace, security» and efforts coordination to realize the needed plan of actions of the Ministry. Participates of the meeting also discussed the questions of providing gender equality in work of state bodies which activity is coordinated by MIA. 

«We are very glad about today’s meeting. It is a pleasure for us to see openness and proactive position of MIA Ukraine directed on widened the circle of stakeholders and international partners into the reformation work», - adviser in gender questions «UN Women» Anastasia Dyvynska said.

Deputy Minister mentioned the MIA preparedness to promote actively the initiations of international partners in Eastern regions of Ukraine to provide gender equality and security of local communities.

«We are glad to share mutual values and work in single vector», - Anastasia Deeva said. She also underlined the symbolism and importance of meeting’s date because discussion of questions of gender equality was organized on International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women.

At the end of the meeting, the Sides agreed to involve experts of «UN Women» into the training organization and expertise of legislative base and marked a plan of events in the 2017.

Department of Communication of MIA Ukraine

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