In Tehran, identification of the bodies of Ukrainians killed in the plane crash has ended

16.01.2020 18:00

Today, in Tehran experts from the Ministry of Interior of Ukraine have obtained DNA profiles of the remains of all 11 Ukrainians who died. Preparations are being made for further transmission to Ukraine.


According to preliminary information, the transfer of the bodies of the 11 dead people is scheduled for January 19, 2020.


As we have informed, 15 rescuers, 4 investigators and 3 experts from the Ministry of Interior help the Iranian colleagues to investigate the causes of the tragedy with the Boeing 737. Now 2 genetics experts from the Ministry of Interior of Ukraine are still in Tehran until completion of identification of the dead and return to relatives.


Earlier, investigators of the National Police of Ukraine, with the assistance of the Ministry of Interior experts, collected DNA samples of relatives of Ukrainians who were killed in the crash in Tehran.


As for reminding, on January, 8th in Iran the plane Boeing 737 of the International Airlines of Ukraine, which departed from Tehran to Kyiv, crashed. Among the passengers on board were 11 Ukrainians, all of them gound dead. On behalf of the President of Ukraine, an operational headquarters was established at the NSDC. It also included representatives from the Ministry of Interior of Ukraine and SESU.

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