KHNUVS deepens cooperation with Polish colleagues

28.02.2020 17:28

Rector of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs Police Colonel Dmytro Shvets held a meeting with Consul General of the Consulate General of the Republic of Poland in Kharkiv Janusz Jablonski. The meeting was also attended by the coordinator of the Regional Mission of the IUU in Kharkiv Robert Zhulkiewski, the head of the Kharkiv Society of Polish Culture Józefa Chernienko and the director of the Polish Saturday School “Polonia Kharkov” Diana Kravchenko.

Dmytro Shvets introduced Janusz Jablonski and the participants of the meeting to the areas of activity of the University taking place together with Polish colleagues and the prospects of such cooperation, in particular on humanitarian and educational projects. The Rector thanked the Consul of the Republic of Poland in Kharkiv for supporting the initiatives of the University and expressed confidence in the continuation of fruitful cooperation. “It is very important for us to constantly feel the support of Polish colleagues and friends. This inspires and adds confidence in the inevitability of Ukraine's integration into a single European family,” said Dmytro Shvets.

Within the framework of the communication platform “MIST-MOST”, which was introduced by the Center for Ukrainian-Polish Development, the Consul General of the Consulate General of the Republic of Poland in Kharkiv Janusz Jablonski told students, cadets, scientists and teachers of the university about the peculiarities of functioning of state institutions and the interaction of different branches of government in the Republic Poland's public. Mr. Janusz Jablonski, in addition to his experience in the diplomatic service, worked in various positions in the local self-government of the Republic of Poland.

As Janusz Jablonski noted, the system of state power of Ukraine and Poland after the independence of the states underwent significant transformations. “Both countries have a lot in common, and Ukraine, which aspires to membership in the European Union, has something to borrow from Poland, which has been a full member of the EU since 2004,” the consul said. He separately focused on the peculiarities of the legislative power of Poland, in particular on its bicameral system, which is carried out by the Sejm and the Senate. Janusz Jablonski stressed that it is important for Ukraine during the implementation of the decentralization reform to study the Polish experience more carefully, when the importance of local communities plays a prominent role in the overall system of state governance.

The work of the MIST-MOST communication platform was also attended by Robert Zhulkiewski, Head of Kharkiv Society of Polish Culture Józef Cherniienko and Director of Polish Saturday School “Polonia Kharkov” Diana Kravchenko. Mr. Robert focused the attention of those present on aspects of cooperation of law enforcement agencies with local governments: “The Voivodship plays a significant role in shaping the strategy of the activities of the law enforcement agencies in the territory for which it is responsible. Such close interaction and co-responsibility make it possible to increase the level of trust of the population both in law enforcement and in local authorities.”


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