Cyberpolice apprehended a hacker who was searched by police of 30 countries (PHOTOS, VIDEO)

26.02.2018 07:23

The mastermind of the criminal platform, known as the «Avalanche», which daily has infected half a million computers worldwide, were detained yesterday in Kiev. Police discovered he had Ukrainian passport  addressed to other person. He used this document in order to get to Kiev. Today, on 26 of February, the Poltava court will choose the preventive measure for him.

Also during the house-check of his rented apartment police seized a laptop, money and data storage devices.

«Avalanche» network functioned during 7 years. To eliminate it police of 30 countries were involved. In November 30, 2016 police conducted a special operation of elimination this  international cybernetwork. Then in Poltava and police detained the organizer of the crime - 33-year-old local resident.

On the 1 of December 2016 Poltava October District Court considered the petition of representative of the General Prosecutor of Ukraine about his arrest. The Court rejected the election of such preventive measures. After that, the suspect disappeared from the courtroom. Later, he was announced in the international search.

According to Ukrainian legislation, he was charged with complicity for  the commission of several criminal offenses: p. 3 art. 209,  p. 1 art. 361, p. 2, art. 342  and p. 4. Art. 190 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. Meanwhile prosecutors and police of Lüneburg (Germany) are investigating the criminal case against the «Avalanche». This network was used as a platform for launching and managing massive global malicious attacks for money-laundering.
According to experts, this resulted  6 million losses in Germany. In addition, monetary loss related to cyber attacks conducted by network «Avalanche», according to preliminary estimates, amounted to hundreds of millions of euros worldwide.

Cyberpolice department of National police of Ukraine

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