Arsen Avakov signed a Memorandum of Mutual Cooperation with FBI (PHOTOS)

18.04.2018 05:37

The Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine held a working meeting with the director of the US Federal Bureau of Investigation, Christopher A. Wray. The parties signed a Memorandum of Mutual Cooperation.

"We met with the director of the FBI Christopher Wray and signed a Memorandum of Mutual Cooperation on a number of issues. In particular, fight against cybercrime and organized crime", - Arsen Avakov said.

The Minister explained that this framework agreement between the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FBI would allow a radical breakthrough in issues related to the exchange of information and access to certain technical possibilities.

"And one such opportunity is the second document that we signed today between the National Police and the FBI Department. It`s aimed at fighting organized crime. With the director of the FBI, we have discussed a number of threats that come to us from the Putin regime. We also outlined some common steps that would allow fighting Russian aggression", - the Minister said.

In his turn, the First Deputy Head of the National Police Vyacheslav Abroshkin, emphasized that the signed framework agreement would enable cooperation with the relevant FBI departments шт counteracting drug crimes, cybercrime and documenting of serious clans that operate both in Ukraine and around the world.

Arsen Avakov said that during the meeting they also discussed the detention of participants in the international criminal platform, known as "Avalanche", which infected half a million computers every day around the world.

"This is about the capture of a hacker, whom the United States has accused of using false documents and funds. The offender was arrested in Poltava. And today we, together with the FBI, once again returned to this situation. Our colleagues thanked us for the work of our specialists. The joint fight against cybercrime will continue, as it is an activity that has no borders", - the Minister said.

On February 25 this year Ukrainian cyber police detained a hacker who was searched by law enforcement officers from 30 countries of the world. The network Avalanche functioned for seven years.

For reference

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is an agency of the US Department of Justice, which acts as a federal criminal investigation body and internal intelligence (counterintelligence). The jurisdiction of the FBI includes the authority to investigate activities over more than 200 categories of violations and federal crimes.

Department of Communications of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine​


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