Arsen Avakov: With the support from the United States we have opened a modern "shoot house" for training the KORD fighters (PHOTOS, VIDEO)

28.04.2017 14:03

On April 28 in the training center for the special police force units KORD took place the ceremony, marking the successful completion of training for 33 fighters of the KORD special units from the Kirovograd and Zaporizhye regions.  Certificates of successful graduation were presented by the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Arsen Avakov together with the Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council Olexandr Turchynov, the US Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch and the leader of the parliamentary faction "Popular Front" Arseniy Yatsenyuk. 

During the training the police officers acquired practical skills in weapons proficiency, indoors actions and vehicle interception tactics, sniping, blasting work, tactical medicine and knife fighting.  In addition, they have passed a course of psychological and legal training.  The training was conducted using the training methods of special forces of the US Drug Enforcement Administration, the US Border Patrol special force unit, the special purpose group of the Texas Rangers, the US Marshals Service and was supported by the US Government.

"Today we are presenting a part of the training system for the special force unit KORD.  You are on the site where before year-end the whole complex will be completed, including everything necessary for training law enforcement officers in shooting skills.  Thanks to the support of the American colleagues a "shoot house" was built, which constituted one of the elements of a tactical training ground for the training and practice of special forces staff.  I want to note that only a few hundred people in all of Ukraine will serve in the KORD units.  We are glad that within the National Police have already been formed the elite special forces division which is called KORD", - said Arsen Avakov.

The project for the construction of the "shoot house" was implemented with the financial support of the Embassy of the United States of America in Ukraine on a tight schedule (starting in June 2016).  The training center is built according to the models and taking into account the experience of building similar facilities for training the best police force special units in the foreign states and has no analogues in Ukraine.  The estimated cost of building a "shoot house" is US$ 450 thousand.  Its peculiarity is that for the first time special force units of the National Police of Ukraine will be able to exercise group tactical skills of actions within the premises using short-barreled or long-barreled firearms.  Unlike ordinary shooting ranges, in the “shoot house” policemen during training can fire not in one direction but in several directions at once, which makes it possible to bring trainings closer to real combat situations of clearing premises from armed criminals and release of hostages.

The “shoot house" is part of the tactical training ground for the training of the KORD staff.  In the future, MIA also plans to build an open shooting range for exercises in weapons proficiency and a special tower for conducting practical exercises on assault mountaineering.


In the period from January 10, 2016 to the present day 276 employees of the "A" component special police force units have been trained in the training center for the special police force units KORD, who then continued service in the National Police Directorates of the Kyiv, Odessa, Kharkiv, Sumy, Zhytomyr, Rivne, Donetsk, Chernivtsi, Transcarpathian, Dnipropetrovsk, Kherson and Mykolayiv regions.

These policemen were selected from more than 2,450 applicants, successfully passing the selection process, consisting of several stages: testing to determine the level of physical and fire training, a psychological test (MMPI - 2), an intelligence test (ORG - Eiq), a test for communication skills (individual interview ), a five-day "endurance" course, as well as an eight-week refresher course.

Department of communication of MIA-Ukraine

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