Arsen Avakov: We are upgrading to the highest level all components of the district police office

21.09.2017 06:00

The Minister of Internal Affairs Arsen Avakov informed that the MIA and the National Police of Ukraine (NPU), with the support of ICITAP (US Department of Justice), and the Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL, US State Department), have launched a pilot project - the creation of a model exemplary police office on the basis of the NPU Goloseevsky district department in Kiev.   Later all 654 territorial police departments across the country will be modernized.

"The pilot project is implemented using funds from the State Budget of Ukraine with the support of our American partners.  Donor support at this stage will amount to US$ 3.5 million.  We will try to upgrade to the new, exemplary level all the components of this pilot district police office under reconstruction:  from the police personnel to the organizational, functional structure and logistics.  A contest based on police competence for applicants to all key positions will be announced, and a special course of retraining and training for 100% of police officers working in the district will be held. High-performing police officers will be evaluated, motivated and trained to work within the framework of the updated model office", - Arsen Avakov said.

The contest will be held throughout the country among the current employees of the National Police of Ukraine.  All interested persons (employees who meet the qualification requirements of the vacant position) can apply for participation in the competitive selection.

Professional retraining of staff of the Goloseevsky police department will include functional, tactical, physical and fire training.  Also, there will be training on special topics: crisis management; basics of leadership; administrative skills; human rights; community police.

According to the minister, the police department building will be completely renovated, and the working space will be reorganized so that employees will be able to demonstrate their skills and qualifications, and visitors can evaluate a new level of service.

"People who go to the district police department, and the police staff in it, will use the most modern methods, logistics, and new modern technology.  All this is necessary to ensure the main priority of our work - the observance of human rights and the provision of proper police service by the best world standards of police work.  Perhaps, you can feel that it is a bit strange to apply for now these words to the place where the post-Soviet district militia office had functioned.  But later, I hope, you will appreciate not the words, but the new reality!", - stressed the head of the MIA.

Also, the structure of the work and functions of police officers, especially those who interact directly with visitors, will fundamentally change:

1. An "open office" primary communication group will be created to receive applications and provide informational assistance to citizens.  It includes five sociable, friendly, polite, and able to work fast employees.

2. A unified system of electronic document management and unified databases is being introduced to optimize the work of the police officers.

3. To monitor the activities of employees, the system "Work time under control" will be implemented (this program monitors the use of databases and the Internet and entry and exit of employees from the office).

4. The special position of police officer in charge of recording and storage of physical evidence and weapons will be introduced to reduce the workload and increase the efficiency of the police duty unit.

5. The staff of the duty unit will switch to a 12-hour shift (now they work 24-hours long shifts).

The Minister of Internal Affairs stressed that another important point in the implementation of the new model of the police office is a fundamental change in the organization of the police department working space.  The video recording system and transparent partitions in the office will provide for the video and audio recording, in particular, of the procedural actions with detainees, which will eliminate the possibility of using unlawful methods and reduce corruption risks. And the system of the electronic queue will allow visitors to plan their waiting time.  Also, the police will receive portable equipment: tablets, portable printers, QR code readers, video and audio recorders, laser rangefinders, and digital radios.

"We will train a friendly, competent and highly professional team and transform the old Soviet building into a modern office where there will be no more gratings at the entrance and no unwritten but emerging through the walls inscription "Abandon the dignity ye who enter here...”.  The policemen work will be supported by new standards, and assessed according to the highest requirements!  In the spring of 2018, we will open the first fully UPGRADED police department in the country - the OFFICE, focused on maximum effectiveness and clarity of procedure, fixed terms of providing services and comfort for citizens.  We invite initiative, ambitious and ready to work according to the highest standards staff members of the NPU to take part in the contest! Step by step we will upgrade each police department across Ukraine!", -  Arsen Avakov said.


Department of communication of MoIA

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