Arsen Avakov: We are ready to open to the Polish law enforcement bodies our databases on criminal elements

02.11.2017 11:59

The Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine announced this on November 2, 2017, during a bilateral meeting with the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Poland to Ukraine Jan Piekło and the President of the Supreme Chamber of Control of Poland (Najwyższa Izba Kontroli) Mr. Krzysztof Kwiatkowski. 

 "Ukrainian and Polish law enforcers have been cooperating in the field of security for a long time.  Recently, there was an exercise in exchange of experience between police departments of two countries at the level of senior officers.  I am convinced that we must share information more actively.  We are ready to fully open our databases on criminal elements to the Polish side", - stated Arsen Avakov.

The Minister of Internal Affairs noted that the Polish experience was very important and useful for Ukraine because our Western neighbors have managed to pass from the Soviet system of governance to the European-style system in a relatively short period.

"We can speak the same language with our partners from Poland because both sides understand quite well what does the post-Soviet transition situation mean.  Unfortunately, the reforms in Ukraine coincided with the war that Russia started against us.  You have traveled the difficult road from the post-Soviet transition period to the creation of a European-style state which acquired a leading position in Europe. We ask you for support and leads on our course of reforming”, - said the head of MIA.

The parties discussed the experience of law enforcement agencies of both countries in countering financial violations.  In turn, the President of the Supreme Chamber of Control of Poland Mr.Krzysztof Kwiatkowski noted that decisive and qualitative changes took place within the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in the course of its reforming.

"It is impossible to miss the changes that have occurred with your ministry.  It is also well known that anybody who tries to break down an old, inadequate system and substitute it with a new European-style model will become a target for criticisms and detraction.  So do not stop on your path and continue to implement the reforms", - stressed Mr. Kwiatkowski.

The Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Poland to Ukraine Jan Piekło thanked the Ukrainian side for the ongoing dialogue and stressed that Poland welcomes the democratic changes that Ukraine is currently implementing.

The President of the Supreme Chamber of Control of Poland stated during the meeting that "anti-corruption bodies should investigate but not cause the scandals in the media".

Mr. Kwiatkowski noted that the mission of the Supreme Chamber of Control of Poland is to verify the appropriateness of spending public funds.

"We are not prosecutors, we just check.  And when we reveal some violations, then no one argues about it. We give recommendations and point out in which areas the state should function better.  During the year we issue about three thousand such recommendations", - informed Mr. Kwiatkowski.

The Supreme  Chamber of Control is the supreme supervisory body in the country subordinated to the Sejm. It has to control the government administration, the Polish National Bank, the state legal entities and other state units in relation to the legality, cost-effectiveness, efficiency, expediency, and integrity of their actions.


Comparing anti-corruption structures in Poland and Ukraine, Mr. Kwiatkowski stressed that the main task of anti-corruption bodies is to conduct the honest and independent non-political investigations.

"Anti-corruption bodies should do their work and not bring its results to the media.  Today I watch TV and see that suddenly some two-years-old information was brought out. I think that this is a scandal and it should not happen this way.  Did you investigate?  Did you get some materials?  Then transfer them to the appropriate law enforcement body and not to the media.  You should not engage in politics.  A blow to the family is a classic example of not very honest political fighting.  Anti-corruption bodies should work honestly and not engage in such tricks", - said Krzysztof Kwiatkowski.

In his view, the anti-corruption agencies should not transfer to journalists any information on the ongoing cases before the end of the investigation.  Only the prosecutor at the stage of transferring the case to the court can comment on some specific aspects.

"Some heads of such agencies are very fond of contacts with the media and are actively using the opportunity to shine", - said Mr. Kwiatkowski.

Reference:  Mr. Krzysztof Kwiatkowski - Polish statesman.  Since 2013 he heads the Supreme Chamber of Control of Poland.  Previously he worked as the Minister of Justice of Poland and the Attorney General.  He was a deputy of the Sejm and a senator, as well as an adviser to the former head of the Council of Ministers Jerzy Buzek.

Department of Communication of MIA-Ukraine

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