Arsen Avakov: Ukraine and USA will cooperate in fighting against international drug trafficking (PHOTOS)

16.04.2018 21:22

This was stated today, on April 16, during a meeting of the Minister of internal affairs of Ukraine Arsen Avakov with the Administrator of Drug Enforcement Administration of the Ministry of Justice of the USA Robert Patterson. The First Deputy Head of the National Police of Ukraine - Chief of Criminal Police Vyacheslav Abroskin also took part in these negotiations.

"The Cooperation with foreign law enforcement agencies, in particular, in combating drug crimes, is very important for us. Today, criminal groups operate not only within the borders of one country. They actively use innovative technologies, digital payment platforms and virtual crypto-currency. And in this case, in order to collect electronic evidence, it is necessary to organize interaction with other bodies, including at the international level", ‑ Arsen Avakov said.

He said that the parties have agreed on a Memorandum of Cooperation between the National Police of Ukraine and the Drug Enforcement Administration of the Ministry of Justice of the USA.

"Today, we are at the final stage of preparing a memorandum of cooperation and we look forward to further fruitful work. In addition, our police officers will be trained at DEA, and the Administration decided to send its specialist for permanent work and consulting to Ukraine", - the Head of the MIA of Ukraine added.

In turn, the First Deputy Head of the National Police of Ukraine Vyacheslav Abroskin, said that the Ukrainian and American parties had come to an agreement on the establishment of a joint contact group "Ukraine - Turkey - DEA" to combat transboundary organized crime and drug trafficking.

"We plan to create a joint group for combating international drug trafficking, as well as for the intelligence exchange," Vyacheslav Abroshkin said.

He added that at the moment the National Police’s work on reforming the combating drug-related crimes units is continued.

"We have strengthened the capacity of the Human Resources Department by selecting properly motivated employees. The open enrollment has been conducted and each applicant was tested on a polygraph. Selected investigators have started their study course according to a Western-style standards", the Head of Criminal Police Vyacheslav Abroskin said.

He also reminded that in July 2017 a plan of joint actions was signed between the National Police and the American party to implement the project of international technical assistance to the Department on Combating Drug-Related Crimes.

"American party provides long-term financial support for the development of the Department, which is based on a model of advanced law enforcement agencies that are combating drug trafficking. For now, the first tranche of $ 1 million has already been allocated", the First Deputy Head of the NPU said.  

For reference

The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) is a United States federal law enforcement agency under the U.S. Department of Justice, that deals with the execution of the United States Code (USC) Controlled Substances Act. The authority of the agency includes not only the control of drug trafficking within the country, but also the cessation of the production of these substances in foreign countries. The DEA currently has over 4,600 of special agents, 680 analysts and 4,100 of support staff, including chemists, investigators for the control of the leakage of precursors and narcotic drugs and administrative professionals.

Department of Communications of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine​

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