Arsen Avakov: The timescales of the introduction of the road traffic video recording system depend on a serious financial investments

22.03.2017 14:59

The Minister of Internal Affairs noted that the introduction of a traffic video surveillance system on the roads of Ukraine would cost about 1 billion US dollars.

"About a year ago, we have for the first time launched video surveillance of traffic in a test mode at four places throughout Ukraine and analyzed the number of recorded traffic violations. According to the current regulations, these violations would have to be fined automatically. The number of these violations and fines that citizens have to pay is really horrific. If we introduce this system across the country and there will be between 2,000 to 5,000 control points, then there will be no need to allocate any funds from the state budget for the Ministry of Internal Affairs: we will have enough money from the penalties to work and develop our ministry further. When we introduce this system as a permanent mechanism, then all residents of Ukraine will have to decide for themselves that from now on they have to change something in their behavior. Then the mortality rate on the roads will be reduced by an order of magnitude. And then, I hope, the number of traffic violations in Ukraine will be at the European level"- stated the head of the MIA.

According to him, the timescale of the introduction of such a system depends on the availability of serious financial investments.

"To implement this system in the whole country, a very large amount of money is needed - about one billion dollars. But a lot of companies are willing to invest in this project and then earn a percentage of penalties received. I think that we shall engage a solid international banking institution, as it is done in the leading Western countries. This bank will advise us how to choose an adequate investor and get the best terms. We shall introduce this system gradually, creating simultaneously a mechanism for automatic recording of the traffic violations, penalties complaints and collection procedures” - stressed Arsen Avakov.


On July 14, 2015, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted the Law of Ukraine "On Amendment Some Ukrainian Legislative Acts Concerning Improvement of Regulatory Framework for Road Safety". This law provides for the introduction of an automatic system for recording violations of the road traffic regulations.

In July 2016, the Ministry of Internal Affairs launched a pilot project on automatic video recording of traffic violations in the test mode in Kiev and Odessa.

Camcorders record speeding and then this information is sent to the National Police's data processing center. The information received is processed by the policeman-operator using the existing databases of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. At the end of this process an electronic administrative order is issued, which in the future will be sent to the owner of the vehicle.

Department of communication of MIA-Ukraine

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