Arsen Avakov: Qatar is the first country in the middle east with which Ukraine establishes visa-free regime and strengthens law-enforcement cooperation

31.10.2018 13:07

The Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Arsen Avakov on the meeting on 31st of October in Doha with the Prime Minister of Qatar Sheikh Abdullah bin Nasser bin Khalifa Al Thani stated the completion of all formalities for the beginning of the full visa-free regime on the 2nd of November this year.


The parties also plan to sign a framework agreement on cooperation in the law enforcement sphere between the Heads of police establishments. It is a joint struggle against cybercrime and drug trafficking. Ukraine will also help Qatar to train law enforcement officers, in particular it will share the experience of police special forcestraining.

"Cybercrime increases every year in comparison with other types of crimes and this is a very serious problem. Our Cyber Police is one of the most advanced services. Today Ukrainian cyber policemen are among the strongest in the world, because we are under attack all the timeand that is why we become stronger.New world - new challenges.We will create a solid chain of competent players in the field of cybersecurity and together we will be stronger. We are currently working effectively and in-depth with the United States, Canada, Germany and, despite the distance, with Australia. In addition, we have strong contacts with Europol and Interpol. In your region, we want to bet on working with your country," Arsen Avakovsaid.

"Cybersecurity is the first thing that we are interested in.The second thing is the organization of a security system during the preparation for the FIFA World Cup in Qatar in 2022.And the third one is the development of special forces, in particular the training and education of the law enforcement officers.” – the Minister of Internal Affairs of Qatar Sheikh Abdullah bin Nasser bin Khalifa Al Thani.

Regarding the preparation and holding of the FIFAWorld Cup to be held in 2022 in Qatar, Arsen Avakov said that it is a challenge for the country to prove to the world its ability to provide this level of events.

“We held the European Championship in 2012 and UEFA Champions League final this year, so we will be happy to help and share the experience. We can provide answers on many terrorism-related questions, as well as on the specific questions that may be answered only by the policemen. We can share the best practices in the training of the special forces. We train our specialists in three models of the USA, Canada and our own experience. We have a rather high level of special reaction forces, because we are under constant pressure. Here we can conduct exchange of our trainers’ teams", - Arsen Avakov said. Also, during the meeting, the parties agreed on a mutual exchange of delegations for further sharing of experience.

Communication Department of the MIA of Ukraine.


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