Arsen Avakov: MIA Strengthens Cooperation with Turkey in Combating Organized and International Crime (PHOTO)

16.10.2018 09:52

This was announced today, October 16, by the Minister of the Internal Affairs at the meeting with the Director General of Security of the Turkish Republic, Jalal Uzunkai.

"Cooperation with Turkey remains important for the Ministry of Internal Affairs. We continue and strengthen cooperation between our countries. The focus is on a joint program to combat organized and international crime. It is important that in this regard we have a shared vision - only strong steps", - said Arsen Avakov.

During the meeting, the sides also discussed other issues of cooperation in the law-enforcement sphere, in particular the continuation of methodological and logistical assistance for the development of the National Police.

During the meeting, the sides also discussed other issues of cooperation in the law-enforcement sphere, in particular the continuation of methodological and logistical assistance for the development of the National Police.

Recall that for the combating organized crime a contact group between the four countries Ukraine-Turkey-Azerbaijan-Georgia has been created.

We also recall that the MIA and Coast Guard of Turkey will jointly patrol the Black Sea.

Communication Department of the MIA of Ukraine

Photo by Julia Babich

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