Arsen Avakov: The French company OCEA has already built the first hull for the new patrol boats of the DPS

18.02.2021 16:33

The Minister of Interior said this today, February 18, during a meeting with deputies of the Verkhovna Rada — members of the Ukraine-France friendship group.

Arsen Avakov informed MPs about the projects that the Ministry of Internal Affairs is implementing together with the French Republic.

“I am pleased to announce that the lightweight, reliable aluminum hull for the first of the new high-speed patrol boats has already been built by the French company OCEA for our State Border Guard Service. Under the contract of 20 vessels, 5 will be built in Nikolaev. These are real results of joint Ukrainian-French work to strengthen the protection of our maritime borders,” Arsen Avakov noted.

He noted that the locomotive of the joint projects with France was the construction of the Unified Air Safety and Civil Protection System of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

“Some of the helicopters are in use by the State Emergency Service, some are in the National Guard, the State Border Guard Service and the National Police. Each has its own function, but when an emergency situation occurs in the country, everyone is removed from operational tasks and sent to solve this problem. This is the logic of building the Unified Aviation System,” the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs said.

He said that the Ministry of Internal Affairs expects deliveries of 26 more Airbus helicopters this year.

“In the fall, we plan to launch sanitary aviation in several regions of Ukraine in a test mode together with doctors. From the most remote corners of the country, we will be able to quickly transport emergency patients to medical institutions, where they will be assisted,” said Arsen Avakov.

In turn, Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs Sergey Goncharov noted that the Ministry of Internal Affairs will receive 55 helicopters, of which 21 - H225, 24 - H125 and 10 - H145, and 8 of these helicopters will be the latest modification. Airbus makes a modification for free for the Ministry of Internal Affairs, this will reduce fuel consumption and reduce vibrations.

In addition, the Minister of Interior also said that projects to improve water supply systems in the city are currently being actively implemented. Mariupol and Luhansk region. With the participation of French experts, the technical and economic justification for the modernization of the Western Filtration Station of the KP “Popasnyansky District Water Canal” is being developed.

The deputies of the Verkhovna Rada noted the success of joint Ukrainian-French projects and promised comprehensive political support.

As a reminder, Arsen Avakov is the chairman of the joint Ukrainian-French commission on economic cooperation. He recently met with Alstom CEO Henri Poupar-Lafarge. The negotiations took place with the participation of Etienne de Ponsen and the general director of “Ukrzaliznytsia” Volodymyr Zhmak. On behalf of the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky, the parties discussed the prospects for the implementation of the project for the supply of electric locomotives to Alstom with partial localization of their production and maintenance in Ukraine.

We will also remind, the co-chairman of the Joint Ukrainian-French Intergovernmental Commission on Economic Cooperation, Minister A. Avakov and B. Le Mer held its 8th meeting.

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