Arsen Avakov: A new on-line service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs has been launched - one more modern tool for serving the population and fighting crime

06.04.2017 08:45

The Minister of Internal Affairs described the new on-line service to check-up invalid passports, as well as other useful electronic services which are already provided by the MIA.


Since April 6, 2017, the State Migration Service (SES) is launching a new on-line service ( - a database of invalid, stolen or lost identity documents.

Unfortunately, old passport books issued since 1994 have absolutely insufficient protection from the current art of forgery, and the transition to the new ID-cards will take several years.

Therefore, a quick, simple and free check of the passport validity will serve as an effective protection against fraudsters who use fake passports for fraudulent schemes.

The range of such fraudulent schemes is quite wide:

• forging of legal documents;

• credit arrangements;

• sale/letting of real estate;

• fraudulent buying and selling on the Internet;

• withdrawing cash from banks;

• illegal migration;

• fraudulent appropriation of property;

• fraud with inheritance ...

…and much more.  The development of technology makes criminals more sophisticated too!

Therefore, citizens should be vigilant, and the law enforcement system - modern, technological and user-friendly!

The new service makes it possible to check the passport of a citizen of Ukraine in the MIA database, as well as in the SMS database, where records are kept of documents that were found to be invalid "without crime": due to damage, loss, etc.

In addition, the new on-line service provides an opportunity to check not only passports, but also other types of identity documents:

• Ukrainian passport book;

• passport of a citizen of Ukraine in the form of a card;

• passport of a citizen of Ukraine for traveling abroad;

• temporary ID of a citizen of Ukraine;

• ID of a stateless person for traveling abroad;

• a residence permit;

• a temporary stay permit;

• a refugee ID;

• ID of a person requiring additional protection;

• a travel document of the person to whom additional protection is provided;

• a travel document of the child.

Surely, you do not even know about all kinds of such documents, but they are described in the law ( and they are forged and used in fraudulent schemes!

The check is based on the document series and number.

Important note: the service works in test mode now, so please join the testing and improvement process - there is a special option for comments and suggestions on the web-page.


The Minister of Internal Affairs also informed about those on-line services that already work in the MIA, and about the ministry’ immediate plans.


On the MIA website in the section "Information records of the MIA" you can check on-line information about the vehicles, mobile phones, weapons and cultural values that are on the wanted list.  The databases of missing persons, people on the wanted list, unidentified person, etc, are also available on this web-site.


The next service provides an opportunity to check the validity of a certificate of no criminal record. This service is available on the MIA website.  The check is based on the certificate number and date of birth of the person being checked.


Also the service is already running in the test mode that allows to submit an electronic application for a certificate of no criminal record.

This service is available on the MIA website. In order to receive this certificate a citizen should fill in the on-line application form using an electronic digital signature (EDS) and indicate the nearest territorial MIA Service Center, where it is convenient for him/her to collect a certificate.  We believe that this method is not only convenient, but also reliable, since it excludes the possibility of illegal publishing of personal data or transferring it to the third parties.


In the future (I hope, immediate future), such a certificate can be received via e-mail, which will eliminate the need to come to the Service Center.  To protect against forgery, the electronic certificate will be encrypted and protected by an electronic digital signature of an authorized MIA official.


By the way, there is a free service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the generation and certification of the electronic digital signatures (EDS) for business entities and individuals.  The accredited center for the certification of the MIA EDS keys is located on our website.  (


On the web-site of the MIA Main Service Center an on-line service is running in test mode, which allows to extract from the Unified State Register information on registered vehicles and their owners. According to the Cabinet of Ministers Regulation, this service costs UAH 45.68; however, the service is free now while operating in a test mode.

All this is still far from being "Electronic Government" on a full scale, but every new on-line service is a step towards this goal.  Step by step!

Department of communication of MIA-Ukraine

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