A man who threw one of the symbols of the Jewish community in Kyiv was served with charges - Andriy Kryshchenko

12.12.2020 19:03

The offender will be liable for violating the equality of citizens depending on their race, nationality, religious beliefs, disability and other grounds.

On Thursday, December 10, the capital's police received a report that an unknown man had thrown a candlestick on Kontraktova Square, which is one of the symbols of the Hanukkah celebration.
An investigative task force of the Pidolsk Police Department worked at the place. Law enforcement officers watched video from surveillance cameras, which recorded the moment of the offense. Also, a video with comments was later found on the user's social network page.

 "The identity of the offender was promptly established.  This is a 36-year-old local resident.  He has already been served with charges for committing a crime under Part 1 of Art. 161 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.  The police will react harshly and instantly within the current legislation to any manifestations of violations of equality of citizens depending on their race, nationality, religious beliefs or other grounds" the head of the capital's police, General Andriy Kryshchenko added.
The article 161 provides for punishment of a fine and up to three years of prison, depending on circumstances.

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