Draft Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine “On Amendments to Certain Resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on the Training and Admission of Drivers to Drive Vehicles”

In accordance with Articles 9, 13 of the Law of Ukraine “On the Principles of State Regulatory Policy in the Field of Economic Activity” (hereinafter — the Law), we announce the publication on September 14, 2023 on the official website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine of the draft resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine “On Amendments to Certain Decisions of the Cabinet Ministers of Ukraine on the Training and Admission of Drivers to Drive Vehicles” (hereinafter referred to as the draft resolution): https://mvs.gov.ua/normativna-baza-mvs/proekti-normativnix-aktiv/projekt-postanovi-kabinetu-ministriv-ukrayini-pro-vnesennia-zmin-do-deiakix-postanov-kabinetu-ministriv-ukrayini-z-pitan-pidgotovki-ta-dopusku-vodiyiv-do-keruvannia-transportnimi-zasobami.

Today, the current legislation of Ukraine has changed the approach to the theoretical and practical training, retraining and further training of drivers of vehicles, in particular, the division of training in institutions providing training, retraining and further training of drivers of vehicles (hereinafter referred to as institutions) has been introduced into two separate stages:

  • theoretical training, according to the results of which the institution issues to the student a certificate of completion of theoretical training, valid for a year;
  • training in practical driving of a vehicle, as a result of which the institution issues the student with a certificate of completion of practical training, is valid for two years.

At the same time, persons who have successfully passed the theoretical exam are given the opportunity to choose any institution for practical training, regardless of the institution in which the theoretical training was completed.

Taking into account the change in the approach to the training of drivers of vehicles, namely the separation of theoretical and practical parts from the single process of their preparation, the mechanism for conducting state accreditation of institutions also needs to be settled.

At the same time, the Law of Ukraine of July 13, 2023 No. 3234-IX “On Amendments to the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses on the Introduction of Administrative Responsibility in the Field of Training and Admission of Drivers to Drive Vehicles” (hereinafter — Law 3234) has amended, in particular, Article 15 of the Law of Ukraine “On Adults” traffic”, which, among other things, granted the right to citizens who wish to obtain the right to drive vehicles of the relevant category or type, to independently prepare for passing a theoretical exam in the service center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

So, in order to bring the provisions of regulatory acts regulating the issues of training, retraining, training of drivers of vehicles, as well as issuing a driver's license, in accordance with Law 3234, as well as determining the mechanism of state accreditation of institutions in accordance with the directions of training, retraining, upgrading of vehicle drivers.

Comments and proposals on the draft resolution from individuals and legal entities, their associations are accepted within one month from the date of publication in writing to the postal address: ul. Lukyanovskaya, 62, m. Kyiv, 04052; or to the e-mail address: [email protected].

In accordance with Article 20 of the Law, comments and proposals on the published draft resolution are also provided to the State Regulatory Service of Ukraine at the postal address: ul. Arsenalnaya, 9/11, m. Kiev, 01011; or to the e-mail address: [email protected].

Electronic consultations with the public on the draft resolution are held here.

Draft resolution Amendments to some resolutions of the
Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on the training and admission of drivers to drive vehicles Explanatory note Comparative table Analysis of regulatory impact