Happy Day of the State Coat of Arms of Ukraine!

19.02.2024 12:15

Our coat of arms is a living proof of the millennial state tradition of Ukraine. One of the oldest heraldic symbols in the world. And he is the coat of arms of the Grand Duke Vladimir of Kiev, who put Kievan Rus among the strongest states of medieval Europe.

And this connection of the modern Ukrainian statesmanship tradition with the ancient princely times is obvious to us. We do not need to prove it through all sorts of manipulations of history, as our enemy does. For the spirit of millennia of antiquity in our national coat of arms is the trident.

Every day in our ancient capital we see temples and monuments of those times — Sophia of Kiev, Mikhailovsky Golden-Domed, Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, Golden Gate. They are known throughout the world and are protected by UNESCO as the contribution of the Ukrainian people to the world cultural heritage.

We are conscious of our roots, our origins, our traditions, beliefs, culture and language, our history, the scientific and economic heritage of our people. And we are proud of them.

We love our native land. And for more than a millennium, we have been fighting all the invaders who want to take our beautiful country from us and make us slaves.

And we know we're going to win. For we are inspired every day by the glory of Vladimir's Trident, which is in every one of our defenders in a chevron or helmet, in every Ukrainian in a passport and in every Ukrainian child in a certificate of honor to be born on this blessed land.

Happy holiday! Glory to Ukraine! Glory to our Trident!

Today, the Department of Education, Science and Sports of the Ministry of Internal Affairs has initiated a challenge to the Day of the State Coat of Arms of Ukraine with the participation of participants in the educational process of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Department of Communications of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine

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