Enemy drones, military violators and drowners: the situation on the border (VIDEO)

23.02.2024 19:00

In Kharkiv region, border guards of the Steel Border Guard Brigade neutralized 5 FPV drones of the occupiers. Four of them were destroyed in the air, one managed to land. The drone has undergone a demining procedure and will soon be returned to the occupiers in the form of an “explosive gift”.

And the border guards of the Mukachevo detachment conducted search activities along the Ukrainian-Romanian border. They were doing this to find a 29-year-old man who allegedly drowned in the Tisa River.

His mother reported his disappearance. According to her, the man - a resident of the Kherson region - on January 25, 2024, intended to illegally cross the border with the Tisa River near the village of Bila Tserkva. Since then, her son has not been in touch. On the day of the man's disappearance, border guards found traces of one person leading into the Tisa River, but neither Ukrainian nor Romanian border guards found traces of the exit from the river. There were also no people near the border.

The specialists of the State Emergency Service searched three times for the missing person in the river, unfortunately, they could not find him. However, the day before, during the search for the missing, rescuers removed the body of a 25-year-old resident of Transcarpathia from the water. At the sinkhole there were documents, a mobile phone and bank cards.

The death of the Transcarpathian replenished the statistics of those killed during the attempt to cross the Tisa River. In general, since the beginning of the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine, this is already the 20th such case in the area of responsibility of the Mukachevo border detachment. Six more men died in the mountains.

In addition, border guards of the Belgorod-Dnestrovsky detachment at the transit section of the Odessa-Reni highway stopped a catafalque led by a 45-year-old priest of the UOC. He brought a resident of Luhansk region of conscription age. The carrier intended to disembark the passenger so that he could illegally enter Moldova. To match the number of people in the vehicle, the driver hid the son of a fellow villager in the catapult - under buckets, tires and a blanket of a 10-year-old boy.

In relation to the clergyman, a message was sent to the police about the detection of signs of the crime provided for in Art. 332 Criminal Code “Illegal transfer of persons across the state border of Ukraine”. Law enforcement officers returned the child to his parents. A protocol on an administrative offense under Article 204-1 of the KUPP “Illegal crossing or attempted illegal crossing of the state border of Ukraine” was drawn up for the passenger.

Meanwhile, the operatives of the Chopsky and Mukachevo border detachments eliminated the channel of illegal transportation across the state border of military servicemen. Dealers transported men to Hungary and Romania. The transporters were detained near the village of Hrushovo in the Transcarpathian region. At that moment, they received from the “clients” part of the monetary reward in the amount of 4.5 thousand dollars. The remaining amount - 5.5 thousand dollars - was to be paid after the completion of the transfer.

Transcarpathians sought “clients” for themselves through third parties. This time, they volunteered to send to Romania two citizens of Ukraine - residents of the Transcarpathian and Ivano-Frankivsk regions. The men were ordered to get to the city of Khust on their own, and from there they were taken by car to the state border. They had to cross the border along the river section. For this, the carriers prepared an inflatable boat.

The organizers of the illegal transportation were detained in accordance with Art. 208 CPC and placed in the temporary detention center of the GUNP in the Transcarpathian region. At present, they have been declared suspected of committing a criminal offense under Part 3 of Art. 332 KKU. Investigative actions are ongoing.

In total, during the past day, February 22, 56,000 people and 15,000 vehicles crossed the western borders of Ukraine with the EU and Moldova (in the Chernivtsi region).

The territory of our country was left by 31 thousand people. 19 thousand of them crossed the border with Poland, the rest followed to other EU countries and Moldova.

25 thousand people followed to Ukraine, 22 thousand of them - citizens of Ukraine.

48 people were detained for attempting to illegally cross the state border of Ukraine. Two of them tried to cross the border illegally at checkpoints, another 46 were detained outside designated crossing points.

In addition, 5 men, citizens of Ukraine, were not allowed to leave the country. Border guards found signs of forgery of their documents, which give the right to cross the border to persons of conscription age. In the actions of men there are signs of offenses under Art. 358 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.

State Border Guard Service of Ukraine

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