Evaders and destroyed enemy complex: the situation on the border in 24 hours

22.02.2024 18:30

Border guards of the Chernivtsi detachment prevented the illegal crossing of the state border.

As the guards of the state border found out, a resident of Zaporozhye agreed with a local resident about a trip to Moldova to bypass the checkpoints for 5 thousand US dollars. The conductor carries the “client” on his own inconspicuous car in the direction of a neighboring country, by phone receiving instructions from the organizer of the scheme about the direction of movement.

However, border guards interrupted the trip by stopping the car near the border.

Regarding the driver, a message was sent to the National Police under Article 332 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. Regarding the passenger, a protocol on an administrative offense has been drawn up.

Activities are underway to find the main organizer of the illegal transaction.

But the border guards of the “Business” department of the Mukachevo detachment found two residents of Zhytomyr region near the border who were going to illegally cross the Ukrainian-Romanian border.

The appearance of unknown persons at the border was reported by the staff of the operational and search department. In order to verify the information provided, a response team was immediately sent to the specified location. The UAV operator was also involved in the search. Zhytomyr border guards found them in an abandoned building, where they were taken by one of the local residents.

The violators said that they agreed to the proposal of one of the merchants, who promised to bring them to Romania by the mountains. For the services of the forwarder, mountain tourists had to pay 5 thousand US dollars.

Following the instructions of the forwarder, the men arrived in Transcarpathia, after which they were brought by car to an unknown area, taken to an abandoned building and ordered to wait.

After waiting for the border guards, the men were taken to the border unit where they drew up protocols on the administrative offense provided for by Art. 204-1 KUPap, the cases were sent to court.

At the moment, border patrol agents have already identified the person involved in the attempt to transfer Zhytomyrans across the state border. Regarding the detection of signs of a crime, provided for in Art. 332 CCU, a message was sent to the National Police.

Another violator was detained by the soldiers of the Chopsky detachment. The movement of the unknown in the direction of Hungary was recorded by a photo trap of border guards. Border outfits from the department “Solomonovo” were sent to the area of its operation. An unmanned aircraft operator and a dog handler with a search dog were involved in the search for the alleged offender.

The man was found with the help of a drone 300 meters from the border. He tried to hide from law enforcement and hid in the bushes. The detainee was carrying an inflatable boat with which he planned to cross the Tysu River to reach Hungary. In addition, he took with him the engine to the boat, aluminum paddles, as well as spinning, pretending to be a fisherman.

The offender turned out to be a local resident who knew the site and was well versed in the terrain.

The man was detained administratively and taken to the border unit. He will be held accountable under Article 204-1 of the KUPP “Illegal crossing or attempted illegal crossing of the state border of Ukraine”.

In total, on February 21, 54 thousand people and 14 thousand vehicles crossed the western borders of Ukraine with the EU and Moldova (in the Chernivtsi region).

29 thousand people left Ukraine last day. 17 thousand of them crossed the border with Poland, the rest followed to other EU countries and Moldova. Over the past day, 25 thousand people followed Ukraine, 21 thousand of them are citizens of Ukraine.

83 trucks with humanitarian aid were also registered. In addition, the fighters of the State Border Service continue to fight back against the invaders. So, last day, the soldiers of the “Steel Border” with an FPV-drone destroyed the enemy “Murom M” in Kharkiv region.

This is the 13th time since the beginning of the year that the surveillance complex on the account of the border guards of the 15th mobile detachment has been affected.

State Border Guard Service of Ukraine

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