Inhuman and cruel treatment of civilians during the occupation of Kyiv region: the next invader was informed of suspicion

22.02.2024 15:30

Law enforcers of the National Police recorded another crime of the military army of the Russian Federation during the temporary occupation of the territories of the Kiev region. The occupiers intimidated and threatened to kill civilians for their active public stance in support of Ukraine.

Criminal actions of a soldier of a terrorist country were documented by employees of the Criminal Police of the Central Police Department of the National Police together with employees of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.

After carrying out a number of operational and investigative actions, law enforcement officers established that during the occupation by the Russian military of the village of Bogdanivka in the Kiev region in the period from March 8, 2022 to March 31, 2022, the invaders threatened to kill a civilian.

The serviceman of the 3rd separate brigade of special purpose unit 21808 of the Main Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, together with five other unidentified pre-trial investigation servicemen of the Russian Federation carried out “filtering measures” to intimidate local residents.

Entering the basement of one of the homes, the occupier ordered all the men present to climb to the second floor and line up to check the phones.

The invader assured that “Kiev will fall” and the Russian army will soon capture the capital. The victim did not agree with such information, expressing his patriotic position, to which the occupier in response took a cartridge into the cartridge and directed the weapon to the chest of a resident of Kiev region to shoot. The man was saved from death by his father, who diverted the attention of the armed executioner. Later, the Russian military left the premises.

A 27-year-old native of the Astrakhan region faces punishment in the form of imprisonment for up to fifteen years or life imprisonment. Investigative actions continue.

Pre-trial investigation in criminal proceedings is carried out by employees of the Investigative Department of the Main Department of SBU in the city. Kyiv and Kyiv Oblast under the procedural guidance of the Kyiv Regional Prosecutor's Office under Part 1 of Art. 438 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine — violation of the laws and customs of war.

National Police of Ukraine

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