In Kharkiv region, border guards destroyed 3 enemy drones, and in Odesa region they stopped illegal fishing in border waters

19.02.2024 17:30

In Kharkov region this night, mobile fire groups of the “Steel Border” Brigade of the Guard Offensive during duty detected and destroyed 3 enemy UAVs of the “Shahed” type, which were heading towards Kharkov.

It is also known that the soldiers of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine stopped illegal fishing of crayfish and fish in the waters of the border on the lakes of the Odessa region. Border guards of the Izmail detachment together with the water police stopped poaching on Lake Katlabukh, near the village of Utkonosovka, Izmail district.

During the patrol, law enforcement officers found three men who, during the curfew — at night, on an unregistered rubber boat, caught more than two hundred crayfish and more than two dozen different types of fish with prohibited tools. The preliminary amount of damage caused to the state is almost 870 thousand hryvnias.

The other day, border guards of the same unit detained three men who were fishing with electric rods on Lake Yalpug. In addition to the significant damage caused to the fauna of the lake, they caught almost 120 fish. The amount of damage caused to the state amounted to more than 360 thousand UAH.

On the detection of signs of crimes provided for in Art. 249 of the Criminal Code “Illegal occupation of fish, animal or other aquatic mining industries”, border guards sent a message to the police. Catch and fishing gear are withdrawn pending a court decision.

And in Transcarpathia, a Khmelnytsky resident tried to bribe a border guard. At the international car checkpoint “Maly Berezny”, a 36-year-old citizen of Ukraine tried to bribe a border guard to give him permission to cross the border.

On the way to Slovakia, the man, along with his passport, provided for control documents to accompany a person with a disability. During the inspection of the documents provided, the border guards found out that a few months ago the Khmelnitsky resident tried to leave through another checkpoint on forged documents about his unsuitability for military service.

During the conversation, the man began to ask for the outfit to act “in a human way” and help him get abroad, while investing 1000 euros in his passport. In response, the border guard warned the briber about criminal liability and summoned National Police officers to the scene.

The funds were withdrawn by the protocol of the inspection of the scene by the investigative and operational team. The man had to go to the station of the National Police to conduct investigative actions. In his actions, signs of a criminal offense are seen, responsibility for which is provided for by Article 369 of the Criminal Code “Offer, promise or provision of unlawful benefits to an official”.

Just over the past day, February 18, 66 thousand people and 15 thousand vehicles crossed the western borders of Ukraine with the EU and Moldova (in the Chernivtsi region).

Last day 33 thousand people left Ukraine. 20 thousand of them crossed the border with Poland, the rest followed to other EU countries and Moldova. Over the past day, 33 thousand people followed Ukraine, 29 thousand of them are citizens of Ukraine. 72 trucks with humanitarian aid were issued.

State Border Guard Service of Ukraine

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