In Lviv region, police officers have exposed a malefactor involved in the production of fake PCR tests for passengers of international buses

31.01.2022 12:59

For the crime committed, a resident of the Lviv district faces up to five years in prison. Law enforcement officials once again urge: do not fake or use fake vaccination certificates or PCR tests, because this entails criminal liability.

As the criminal police operatives and investigators of the police department No. 2 (Zhovkva) of the Lviv district police department No. 1 established, under the procedural guidance of the Zhovkva District Prosecutor's Office, a resident of one of the villages of the Lviv district made at home fake tests for passengers of flight buses that knit have traveled abroad. She brought forged documents to the checkpoint, where she handed over to customers. For each test, the woman received payment in the amount of about 600 hryvnia.

On January 29, during searches in one of the buses near the international checkpoint “Rava-Ruska”, law enforcement officers discovered and seized 16 negative PCR tests with signs of forgery, which were transmitted to passengers by the intruder.

In addition, during searches carried out at her place of residence, police discovered and seized computer equipment, manufactured PCR tests and other documents with signs of forgery, as well as forged seals of medical institutions and samples of signatures, cash received from illegal activities, and other material evidence casies.

The issue of notifying the offender of suspicion of committing a criminal offense provided for in Part 3 of Article 358 (Forgery of documents, seals, stamps and forms, sale or use of forged documents, seals, stamps, committed repeatedly or by prior conspiracy by a group of persons) is resolved index of Ukraine. The maximum penalty provided for by the sanctions of the article is imprisonment for up to five years.

The pre-trial investigation continues.

Lviv Oblast Police Communications Department

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