Ministry of Internal Affairs: Issuance of certificates of non-criminal record is suspended, they can be obtained electronically online

17.03.2020 10:02

Important information! When ordering certificates of criminal liability, absence (presence) of criminal record or restrictions provided for by the criminal procedural legislation of Ukraine, please note that the nationwide quarantine, which was supposed to last until 03.04.2020 (Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 11.03.2020 № 211 “On prevention spread of coronavirus COVID-19 in Ukraine”), extended until 24.04.2020 inclusive. The relevant decision was adopted by the Government on 25.03.2020. Hence the issuance of certificates at the address: ul. Akademika Bogomolets, 10, m. Kyiv, suspended.

You can get help online in electronic form:

Department of Communications of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine

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