Igor Klymenko: Video from police surveillance cameras near Gostomel became proof of war crimes of Russians

24.02.2024 19:00

This was stated by the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Igor Klymenko in an interview with Natalia Moseychuk, which is timed to the second anniversary of the beginning of a full-scale war.

Answering the question whether the leadership of the National Police of Ukraine, which was headed at that time by Igor Klymenko, knew about what was happening then in Bucha, the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs answered that only partially.

“We had contact with some of our employees who were in Irpen and Bucha. That there were mass burials, executions, we had information piecemeal. Because this information was disseminated,” Igor Klymenko noted.

Further, the minister added that the police saw from video surveillance cameras how the Russian military shot a family in a car.

“At the intersection at the turn in Gostomel, cars were shot. And, by the way, these footage was included in the materials of criminal proceedings for war crimes committed by the Russian army,” he stressed.

It is the National Police, together with the Office of the Prosecutor General and international courts, that investigates these crimes.

“There we saw the faces and deliberate actions of the servicemen of the Russian Federation, who taunted and shot civilian cars that went along this highway,” the Minister said.

He noted that in part these videos were provided by the police for wide viewing.

“But the videos that are in this criminal proceedings will be made public later, after the relevant judicial decisions of international authorities,” he stressed.

For more details, see the interview of Igor Klymenko in the project “Moseichuk+”.

Department of Communications of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine

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