Forum “Ukraine. Year 2024”. The most important thing from the performance of Igor Klymenko

25.02.2024 17:40

On February 25, the Forum “Ukraine was held in Kyiv. Year 2024”, in which the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine took part. During the speech, Igor Klymenko spoke about the achievements of the bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs at the front, the use of new weapons, the situation in the liberated territories.


10 brigades of the “Guards of the Offensive” have already been formed and are directly on the front line. Together with the Armed Forces of Ukraine, they defend our state and fight.

The drones that we use in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs quite seriously hit the enemy. This also applies to reconnaissance and strike drones. We destroyed or damaged $5.5 billion worth of equipment. We are talking about the development and production of drones. We employ teams of designers and engineers.

We have created a Coordination Center, which deals with the use of means of electronic warfare and radio electronic intelligence, which is extremely necessary today. We are working on the deployment of a regional network that, together with other Defence Forces, will be involved to protect critical infrastructure.

The system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which participates in hostilities, has already contracted for 2024 from the domestic air defense system by more than 50%. We only BTR and BMP buy a line that consists of 10 models.

Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, Ukraine has been shelled 110 thousand times. This is always the departure of rescuers and police to the places of shelling. The National Police documented 113,000 war crimes in two years.

A year ago, international partners taught us how to work for rescuers, to document crimes. To date, we have dozens of requests for sharing experiences. We can provide our international partners with maximum information.

To date, we have sappers from the National Police, the State Emergency Service, the National Guard. We clearly know where and how many calculations work every day. The Ministry of Internal Affairs operates 33 mechanized demining machines. One day of operation of the machine - 100 days of operation of the explosives or sapper.

Border guards fight the enemy on the front line, but border patrols, border forces also block the border with Belarus and Russia. We are already thinking about protecting the border. Not a single weapon has crossed the border with the EU to date. This is the tremendous work of the Security Forces to date. We are talking about the practice of integrated border management - not only fortifications, but also future ones: video surveillance, software, modern controls.

All bodies and departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs system are now working to ensure law order and peace of the population. But after the war, the need for security will only increase. AND WE KNOW WHAT TO DO NEXT! We have a clear plan of work on how the security environment will be formed in post-war Ukraine.

Department of Communications of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine

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