UAH 80,000 for a “ticket abroad”, UAH 8 million of undeclared funds and 25 violators: the situation at the border

20.02.2024 19:20

In Odessa region, border guards detained 13 violators. All - intended to illegally enter Moldova through the Transnistrian segment of the Ukrainian-Moldovan border.

Three groups of violators acted according to the instructions of the organizer. And for services they had to pay a fixed amount in the amount of 80 thousand hryvnias from each. Near the village of Tymkove, Podolsk district, border guards detained all those who wanted to illegally cross the border.

Meanwhile, the border guards of the Volyn detachment stopped an attempt to illegally move a significant amount of money across the Ukrainian-Polish border. During the inspection of the Skoda passenger car, the inspection team found packages in the tool compartment of the luggage compartment. Money was carefully drawn up in them. The driver - a 37-year-old resident of Volyn - tried to import into Ukraine about 8 million hryvnias of undeclared funds. The money was withdrawn by customs officers according to the protocol on violation of customs rules.

Also, the operatives of the Volyn detachment together with the soldiers of the department “Rivne” exposed another round of smugglers. With the help of drones, they were going to transport tobacco products across the Ukrainian-Polish border. Border guards found near the state border a catapult to launch a drone and three packs of cigarettes prepared for movement. Nearby were 4 rechargeable batteries to power the UAV.

In the course of further search activities in the vicinity of the settlements of Romachi and Lyuboml, two drones of the type “Airplane” were discovered. Drones, batteries and catapults, as well as 720 packs of tobacco products were handed over to detectives by the Bureau of Economic Security in Volyn region. At the moment, all the circumstances and persons involved in the offense are established.

And on the border with Slovakia, border guards detained a 20-year-old Russian. The man was captured by a photo trap as he headed around the outskirts of the border village of Onokovtsy in the direction of the state border.

It was possible to find the unknown a few hundred meters from the border. He was tracked using a thermal imager. The detainee turned out to be a twenty-year-old citizen of Russia. He arrived in Ukraine in 2021 and has lived in Chernihiv ever since. The foreigner decided to leave the territory of Ukraine and get to the Czech Republic, where his friends live.

To do this, he monitored the Internet resources and social networks, planned a route and came to Uzhgorod to get from there to Slovakia. The young man waited for darkness and left the city on foot. On the way, he was detained by a border outfit.

The violator was placed in the temporary holding point of the Chopsky border detachment. After establishing all the circumstances, he will be brought to administrative responsibility for attempting to illegally cross the border and for violating the rules of stay on the territory of Ukraine.

In total, on February 19, 58 thousand people and 14 thousand vehicles crossed the western borders of Ukraine with the EU and Moldova (in the Chernivtsi region).

28 thousand people left Ukraine. 18 thousand of them crossed the border with Poland, the rest followed to other EU countries and Moldova.

30 thousand people followed to Ukraine, 27 thousand of them - citizens of Ukraine.

96 trucks with humanitarian aid were issued.

25 people were detained for attempting to illegally cross the state border of Ukraine. 13 men were not allowed to leave the country because border guards found signs of falsification of their documents. In the actions of men there are signs of offenses provided for in Art. 358 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.

State Border Guard Service of Ukraine

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