Information notice on conducting electronic consultations with the public on the draft order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine “On Approval of Amendments to the Procedure for Monitoring Information on the Results of Mandatory Technical Control Transmitted by Subjects of Mandatory Technical Control to the Nationwide Database”

The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine conducts electronic consultations with the public on the draft order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine “On Approval of Amendments to the Procedure for Monitoring Information on the Results of Mandatory Technical Control Transmitted by Subjects of Compulsory Technical Control to the Nationwide Database” (hereinafter — the draft order) published on March 24, 2021 in the subheading “Draft regulations” of the heading “Normative base of the Ministry of Internal Affairs” of the official website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine: here.

The implementation of the draft order will apply to the following social groups of the population: owners of vehicles subject to mandatory technical control.

Stakeholders to whom the implementation of the draft order will apply: the territorial body for the provision of service services of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, subjects of mandatory technical control of vehicles.

Possible consequences of the implementation of the draft order for these social groups of the population and interested parties are:

  • improvement of the mechanism for monitoring information on the results of mandatory technical control (hereinafter referred to as monitoring) transmitted by the subjects of mandatory technical control to the nationwide database on the results of mandatory technical control of vehicles;
  • establishing an unambiguous interpretation of the grounds for recognizing the protocols of checking the technical condition of the vehicle as invalid and improving the process of preparing documentation drawn up according to the results of monitoring, in particular the introduction of the procedure for keeping electronic copies of such documentation in the Unified State Register of Vehicles.

Proposals and comments on the draft order are accepted within one month from the date of publication in writing to the e-mail addresses: [email protected], [email protected].

Consultations on the draft order are available by phone number: (044) 374-10-21. The responsible person for conducting electronic consultations with the public is Pavel Efimenko.

The report on the results of electronic consultations with the public on the draft order will be published in the subsection “Electronic consultations with the public” of the “Public consultations” section of the official website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine within two weeks after the decision on the results of the discussion.


The report on the results of consultations with the public on the draft order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine “On Approval of Amendments to the Procedure for Monitoring Information on the Results of Mandatory Technical Control Transmitted by Subjects of Mandatory Technical Control to the Nationwide Database” was published on May 13, 2021.