The first meeting of the new Public Council under the Ministry of Internal Affairs took place

02.09.2019 15:16

In accordance with the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, the work of the consultative and advisory body began with the election of the leadership of the council. By an open vote, Volodymyr Martynenko, head of the Public Union “Center for Prevention and Combation of Corruption”, deputy chairman — Mykola Momota (Local branch of the All-Ukrainian NGO “Association of Veterans of Tax Service of Ukraine”) was elected as the head of the Public Council under the Ministry of Internal Affairs; Secretary — Oleksandr Skrynsky (All-Ukrainian NGO “Ukrainian Union of Persons with Disabilities — USI”).

Vladimir Martynenko wished the newly created Gromrad fruitful work for the next two years.


“I am sure that our work will be effective, and we will implement all our ideas by joint efforts,” said the head of the Public Council at the Ministry of Internal Affairs.



During the first meeting of the advisory body, one of the main tasks was the preparation of a number of draft regulatory documents and amendments to the current legislation. In particular, it was about the preparation of a draft regulatory act on the prohibition of caps on seat belts and amendments to the Law of Ukraine “On Prevention of Corruption”.



In addition, the Community under the Ministry of Internal Affairs plans to send requests to the authorized bodies of Ukraine and other countries regarding cars registered outside our country.

Recall that today, September 2, the composition of the new Public Council under the Ministry of Internal Affairs was formed.

Department of Communications of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

photo by Andriy Novitskogo

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