The Gromrad under the Ministry of Internal Affairs summed up the results of the work for the period of its tenure

03.09.2021 18:14

Today, September 3, the final meeting of the consultative and advisory body under the Ministry of Internal Affairs took place.

As noted by the Chairman of the Public Council under the Ministry of Internal Affairs Volodymyr Martynenko, during the two-year term of office, despite the change in the usual mode of work due to the quarantine restrictions imposed by the Government, the Public Council under the Ministry of Internal Affairs worked actively, successfully mastering such a format of holding events as an online conference. In particular, today, some participants participated remotely.

In total, 12 meetings were held during the term. The consultative and advisory body initiated and co-organized 7 round tables and 8 international scientific and practical conferences on anti-corruption topics, held on the basis of higher education institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. About 5 thousand domestic and foreign scientists and practitioners took part in these events, based on the findings of which solid recommendations were made.

Separately, Volodymyr Martynenko reported that the Public Council under the Ministry of Internal Affairs took an active part in all public consultations conducted by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine: over 40 draft regulations developed by the Ministry of Internal Affairs were considered and discussed within two years.

In turn, the Director of the Department of Communications of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Artem Shevchenko expressed gratitude to the members of the Public Council at the Ministry of Internal Affairs for fruitful cooperation with the department and mutual understanding. And he expressed hope that the next composition of the consultative and advisory body will not be inferior to its predecessors in efficiency.

At the end of the meeting, Volodymyr Martynenko thanked the staff of the Gromrad for their contribution, both to the work of the advisory body and to the activities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs as a whole, as well as to the department — for paying attention to public opinion.

“I am confident that the Ministry of Internal Affairs will continue the tradition of effective interaction with the next composition of the Public Council. We thank the Ministry for the feedback during these two years. And we are moving on,” said the chairman of the Gromrad Council and announced the termination of its powers.

Department of Communications of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Photo by Andriy Novytskyi

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