ODUVS discussed issues of corruption risks, ways to prevent and combat corruption in the Ministry of Internal Affairs

24.03.2021 09:35

Today, March 24, at the initiative of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine and the Public Council under the Ministry of Internal Affairs on the basis of the Odessa State University of Internal Affairs, a regional round table was held on the topic “Determination of corruption risks in the activities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, ways to prevent and combat corruption in the Ministry of Internal Affairs”.

In video conference mode, the discussion was attended by the Advisor to the Minister of Internal Affairs, Chairman of the Public Council under the Ministry of Internal Affairs Volodymyr Martynenko; Head of the Corruption Prevention Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Anatoly Fodchuk; Head of the Department of Corruption Prevention and Detection of NACP Serhiy Derkach; Retired Greek Police Lieutenant General Georgios Pokas, as well as members of the Public Council under the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, representatives of the public, employees of state bodies, formations, other institutions and institutions belonging to the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Odessa, Nikolaev, Kherson, Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city. Sevastopol.

At the beginning of the event, the First Vice-Rector of the Odessa State University of Internal Affairs, Doctor of Juridical Sciences, Professor Volodymyr Grokholsky, addressed a welcoming speech, who wished the participants of the round table fruitful, interesting and effective communication, emphasizing the importance of discussing topical issues of ways to prevent and combat corruption at the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

“The concept of prevention includes a whole range of measures, in particular, regulatory and organizational support, determination of the powers of authorized persons to combat corruption and the responsibility of those who commit offenses. Therefore, all these issues should be the subject of our discussion today in order to develop proposals for their improvement and to make appropriate changes to the current regulations and legal acts of our state,” the first vice-rector of the university noted.

Then Volodymyr Martynenko, the adviser to the Minister of Internal Affairs, addressed the participants of the round table, who wished everyone to work actively and emphasized the need to hold a discussion not only in the direction of theoretical issues, but also taking into account the practical points available in the departments. Volodymyr Martynenko also noted that all the activities carried out in order to implement the Communication Strategy in the field of preventing and combating corruption are joined by the Consultative Mission of the European Union, together with which the mechanisms that are implemented and implemented throughout Ukraine are being developed.

In his turn, the head of the Corruption Prevention Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Anatoly Fodchuk noted: “If we talk about the practical application of the results of our work, all previous developments at the conferences formed the basis of the assessment of corruption risks of the activities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, its structural units, and were accordingly taken into account when assessment of corruption risks and formation of anti-corruption programs”.

“Already today we see positive results, positive dynamics and aim to continue this work and further improve the legislation and practical aspects of the implementation of our activities in order to achieve such a high goal, namely: a significant reduction in the level of corruption manifestations and corruption risks in the system of bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine”, - added Anatoly Fodchuk.

EUC Representative Georgios Pokas noted in his speech that the topic of the round table is extremely relevant for the whole world, because corruption is a global problem that destroys trust in state institutions, hinders the economic development of the country and has an impact on ensuring human rights: “The European Union's approach to combating corruption primarily focused on prevention and prevention of corruption. Working with society plays a big role here, because society must be aware of the struggle that is being waged, and this will ensure an increase in its trust in law enforcement.”

“Among the measures that can reduce the risks of corruption and have already been adopted in the countries of the European Union, we should highlight the electronic declaration system, the creation of various institutions to combat corruption, the adoption of relevant laws or strategies or the restructuring of the bureaucratic process, a complete change in management style, a change in the work culture, and improve the quality of work. ensuring the responsibility or accountability of police officers”, - noted Georgios Pokas.

Within the framework of the event, participants presented reports on legal regulation and peculiarities of activities of whistleblowers in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, problems of functioning of authorized units (persons) on prevention and detection of corruption in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, as well as features of official inspections and internal investigations of corruption prosecutions in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine.

As a result of the round table, practical recommendations on the identification of corruption risks in the activities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs will be formed.

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