Gromrad under the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the National Academy of Legal Sciences deepen cooperation
The signing of the Memorandum of Cooperation between the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine and the Public Council under the Ministry of Internal Affairs took place today, October 9, at the Kyiv Regional Center of the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine.
During the signing ceremony, the chairman of the Gromrad Council under the Ministry of Internal Affairs stressed that cooperation with the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine has been going on for a long time and there are many joint successfully implemented projects.
“We jointly held four international scientific and practical conferences, developed many draft regulations. And now we are working on the implementation of several ideas,” Volodymyr Martynenko said.
President of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Oleksandr Petryshyn noted the initiative of the consultative and advisory body at the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
“We are grateful to the Public Council under the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the initiative to sign the Memorandum and welcome the opportunity to deepen our cooperation. We are committed to fruitful work. I am convinced that the Memorandum will contribute to this,” Oleksandr Petryshyn said.
Natalia Kuznetsova, head of the Kyiv Regional Center for Research on Corruption Problems, noted that one of the areas of cooperation will be the establishment of the Scientific Center for the Study of Corruption Problems.
The Memorandum of Cooperation provides, in particular, joint organization and conduct of scientific research by the parties, legal analysis of the practice of applying the legislation of Ukraine, development of draft laws and draft by-laws, conducting joint sociological studies. In addition, scientists of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine will be involved in conducting legal examinations and preparing expert opinions on the activities of the consultative and advisory body at the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
Department of Communications of the Ministry of Internal Affairs