Gromrad under the Ministry of Internal Affairs summed up the results of the work over the past year

28.01.2020 16:14

Today, January 28, another meeting of the consultative and advisory body under the Ministry of Internal Affairs took place.

At the first meeting of the current year, the Public Council under the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as stipulated by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 03.11.2010 No. 996, reported on its activities in the previous year. Recall that the composition of the current Gromrad under the Ministry of Internal Affairs was formed in early September 2019.

Summarizing the results of the activities of the Gromrad in September-December, its head, in particular, said that during this time five meetings of the advisory and advisory body were held. The Public Council under the Ministry of Internal Affairs became the co-organizer of three international scientific and practical conferences and the IV International scientific-practical conference “Implementation of state anti-corruption policy in the international dimension”, which was the result of the work of the mentioned three forums.

During the reporting period, four regional roundtables on anti-corruption topics were held under the co-organization and participation of the Gromrad under the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Volodymyr Martynenko separately highlighted the round table held on the basis of Sumy Regional State Administration, because it was the first such event that brought together representatives of anti-corruption units of all state authorities and local self-government of the region.

Also during September-December 2019, the Gromrad under the Ministry of Internal Affairs discussed a number of draft regulations. The full text of the report will soon be published on the website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Summarizing what has been done, the participants of the meeting discussed and approved the work plan of the Public Council for 2020. It includes monitoring the activities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, public monitoring of the activities of service centers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, conducting public examination of the regulations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, consultations with the public and public discussions of draft regulations and socially important issues.

In addition, the meeting summed up the results of the public public discussion of the draft Anti-Corruption Program of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine for 2020-2022, which started on January 13, 2020.

During the preparation of the Anti-Corruption Program, a multi-level assessment of corruption risks was carried out and a number of anti-corruption measures were developed. According to the head of the Department of Corruption Prevention and Lustration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Sergey Yaremenko, the project contains several innovations. In particular, it is about improving anti-corruption training for employees of territorial units, as well as regional institutions belonging to the sphere of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Among the planned activities is to conduct inspections of regional service centers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2020 for the organization of work on the prevention of corruption.

The members of the Public Council had several comments and suggestions on the Anti-Corruption Program project, which, in accordance with the legislation, will be provided by the developers to finalize the project.

Department of Communications of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

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