Gromrad under the Ministry of Internal Affairs summed up the results of work for 2020

26.02.2021 18:17

At the first meeting of this year, the members of the Public Council under the Ministry of Internal Affairs summed up their activities in 2020 and discussed the annual report, as stipulated by the current legislation.

According to the Chairman of the Public Council under the Ministry of Internal Affairs Volodymyr Martynenko, the activities of the advisory and advisory body during this period were carried out taking into account the quarantine restrictions imposed by the Government. Changing the usual mode of operation somewhat corrected the previous plans, but did not affect the efficiency.

“During 2020, we held five meetings, the last one in the online conference mode. Also in the previous year, the Public Council under the Ministry of Internal Affairs became a co-organizer of three international scientific and practical conferences and the V International scientific-practical conference “Implementation of state anti-corruption policy in the international dimension”, which was the result of the work of the previous three. All conferences were held in an online format, but this did not prevent us from working fruitfully: more than 1000 domestic and foreign scientists and practitioners participated in the conferences, based on the findings of which solid recommendations were made,” Volodymyr Martynenko said.

Separately, he noted that in the reporting period, Gromrad participated in all public consultations conducted by the Ministry of Internal Affairs: 23 draft regulations were discussed, the developer of which is the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

In addition, in early October 2020, the Gromrad under the Ministry of Internal Affairs signed a Memorandum of Cooperation with the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine.

Having adopted the report for the year last year, the participants of the meeting discussed and approved the work plan of the Public Council for 2021. It includes, in particular, public monitoring of the activities of the service centers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which was postponed in 2020 due to the pandemic. It is also planned to monitor the activities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and discussion of draft regulations.

The full texts of the report for 2020 and the work plan of the Public Council at the Ministry of Internal Affairs for 2021 will soon be published on the official website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

After the meeting, the Rector of NAVS Volodymyr Cherney conducted for members of the Public Council under the Ministry of Internal Affairs an overview tour of the Educational and Scientific Institute No. 1, which is being developed according to modern standards and technologies, and talked about innovations in the training of law enforcement officers.

Department of Communications of the Ministry of Internal Affairs



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