The Public Council under the Ministry of Internal Affairs will conduct public monitoring of the Main Service Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

19.09.2019 17:25

The first issue of the meeting was the discussion of the draft Regulation on the Public Council under the Ministry of Internal Affairs.


“In accordance with the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 996, we together with the Ministry should develop a Regulation on the Public Council under the Ministry of Internal Affairs,” Volodymyr Martynenko noted.

Both the Chairman and the members of the Gromrad voiced a number of comments and proposals to the prepared draft Regulation. The document was sent to the Ministry of Internal Affairs.


Therefore, the participants of the meeting considered the appeal of the Main Service Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs regarding public monitoring.

“I propose to involve representatives of public institutions in this process, in addition to members of our council. And in the near future to hold a working meeting with representatives of the GSC,” said the head of the Gromrad at the Ministry of Internal Affairs.


Among the priority plans of the advisory body is participation in the organization and holding of several scientific and practical conferences.

“In December, we will join the IV International Scientific and Practical Conference “Implementation of State Anti-Corruption Policy in the International Dimension”. This conference will be the final one. Several regional conferences will be held before it on the basis of departmental universities in Kharkiv, Lviv and Dnipro,” Volodymyr Martynenko said.


Also, in implementation of the government's anti-corruption communication strategy, members of the Public Council under the Ministry of Internal Affairs plan to take part in a number of anti-corruption activities. In particular, there was a roundtable “Determination of corruption risks in the activities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, ways to prevent and combat corruption in the Ministry of Internal Affairs”, which will be held on September 20 at the Donetsk Law Institute.

In addition, members of the Public Council under the Ministry of Internal Affairs will soon develop a plan for the work of the consultative and advisory body until the end of 2019 to discuss it at the next meeting.

Department of Communications of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Photo by Oleg Suprun



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