Announcement: V International Scientific and Practical Conference “Implementation of State Anti-Corruption Policy in the International Dimension”

08.12.2020 14:02

On December 9-10, the National Academy of Internal Affairs will host the V International Scientific-Practical Conference “Implementation of State Anti-Corruption Policy in the International Dimension”, dedicated to the International Day Against Corruption.

Organizers of the event: Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, Public Council under the Ministry of Internal Affairs, National Academy of Internal Affairs, Consultative Mission of the European Union in Ukraine, National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine, GSC “Center for Prevention and Counteraction of Corruption”.

The conference will be attended by about 300 experts, including international experts, public sector managers and representatives of the public.

The event will summarize three preliminary stages — conferences on anti-corruption activities held in November this year in Lviv, Dnipro and Kharkiv.

Registration of participants will begin on December 9 at 08.30.

Opening of the conference on December 9 at 09.30.

Join an online conference on the Zoom platform

Conference ID: 972 8676 7934

Access code: 12345

A briefing for representatives of the media is scheduled on December 9 at 9.00 a.m. before the entrance to the central building of the NAVS (m. Kiev, pl. Solomenskaya, 1).

Contact person — Viktor Korolchuk, tel.: (050) 549 25 29.

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