National Commission on Standards of the State Language - on passing the exam for the level of proficiency in the state language

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On passing the exam for the level of proficiency in the state language

We inform you that according to paragraph 8 of the first part of Article 44 of the Law of Ukraine “On Ensuring the Functioning of the Ukrainian Language as a State Language” (hereinafter - the Law), the powers of the National Commission on State Language Standards (hereinafter - the Commission) include the organization of examinations to determine the level of proficiency of the state language and the appointment of specially authorized institutions (organizations) by the State. take exams.

Article 9 of the Law establishes an exhaustive list of persons who are obliged to speak the state language and use it during the performance of official duties. According to the second part of Article 10, the persons defined in paragraphs 1, 3, 4, 7, 9, 10, 13 of the first part of Article 9 of the Law must certify the level of proficiency in the state language by a state certificate (hereinafter - the state certificate) issued by the Commission. The list of such persons includes civil servants of all levels; heads of local state administrations, their first deputies and deputies; persons of the chief (middle and higher) composition of the National Police, other law enforcement and intelligence agencies, officials of other bodies that are assigned special titles; prosecutors; heads educational institutions of all forms of ownership.

Please note that the second part of Article 10 of the Law, which states that the level of proficiency in the state language is certified by a state certificate issued by the Commission, enters into force on July 16, 2021.

Therefore, to obtain a certificate on the level of proficiency of the state language, the applicant, starting from July 16, 2021, must: - register online at the link:, indicating the SHB, date, place and time of the exam (from the proposed options);
- pass the exam at the Commission or an authorized institution, using a specially developed examination system; - obtain a state certificate that is valid indefinitely, through an electronic cabinet.

The exam is planned to be held on specially created exam sites.

The examination for the level of proficiency in the state language will be carried out in accordance with the Procedure approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated April 14, 2021 No. 409.

The State Language Proficiency Exam Program for persons who are required to speak the state language and apply it in the performance of official duties and sample tasks can be found at the link.

In order to raise the awareness of citizens about passing the state language proficiency exam, please post on the official website of the Ministry a link to a video file and a memo on preparation for the exam to determine the level of proficiency of the state language by persons who are obliged to speak the state language and use it in the performance of official duties (attached).


Chairman of the National Commission on Standards of the State Language