
Personnel Department
providing organizational and methodological guidance, control and coordination of work with personnel, implementation of timely selection of personnel for units of the apparatus of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the management of territorial bodies, institutions, institutions and enterprises belonging to the sphere of management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the main body of the military administration of the National Guard of Ukraine, and on behalf of Minister of central executive bodies whose activities are directed and coordinated by the Minister;
Department of Informatization
Ensures the activities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs system in the areas of informatization, formation and use of electronic information resources, information security; ensures the functioning and development of information resources of the unified information system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine (EIS of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine), the introduction of online services for access to information resources of the EIS of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs; creates and ensures the functioning of software and technical complexes of information, information and telecommunication systems in the Ministry of Internal Affairs and their modernization; develops and approves draft regulatory and other acts in the fields of informatization, formation and use of electronic information resources, information security and in the field of electronic trust services; coordinates the activities of the State Enterprise “INFOTEH”.
Department of Organizational and Hardware
The main tasks of the Department are information, advisory, expert-analytical, legal, organizational and other support of the management of the Ministry on formation and control over the implementation of state policy in the areas defined by the current legislation, as well as the implementation of other powers defined by the legislation of Ukraine, the Regulation on the Ministry of Internal Affairs the case of Ukraine and these provisions.
Department of Financial and Accounting Policy
Ensuring coordination of the work of the apparatus of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as well as the Main Service Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, institutions, institutions belonging to the sphere of management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the National Guard of Ukraine, central executive bodies, the activities of which are directed and coordinated by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine through the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine (hereinafter referred to as budgetary services) institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs), in the budget process.
Department of Communications
Department of Legal Support
ensures the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, representation of the interests of the Ministry and the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the bodies of state executive power, local self-government, prosecutor's office and judicial self-government, notaries, lawyers, enterprises, institutions and organizations, regardless of the forms of ownership and subordination;
Department of Internal Audit
on behalf of the management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs carries out an analysis of compliance with financial, economic and budgetary discipline by structural units of the apparatus of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, territorial bodies, institutions, institutions and enterprises belonging to the sphere of management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the National Guard of Ukraine, the CEV and their subordinate institutions; conducts as planned routine and unscheduled inspections, including the use of funds for special purpose expenses in accordance with the established procedure, compliance with the requirements of legislative and regulatory legal acts in the field of state protection and commercial secrets;
Department of International Cooperation
The Department of International Cooperation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine is a structural unit of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which is formed to fulfill the tasks and functions assigned to the Ministry of Internal Affairs related to the implementation of international cooperation and participation in the implementation of state policy in the field of external relations. 1. Organization and coordination of international cooperation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. 2. Coordination of the participation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and central executive bodies, whose activities are directed and coordinated by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine through the Minister of Internal Affairs (hereinafter — CEV) in the implementation of state policy in the field of external relations. 3. Implementation of information interaction with other state bodies, law enforcement agencies of foreign states and international organizations. 4th. Development and participation in the development of draft international treaties of Ukraine on issues within the competence of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. 5. Organization and coordination of implementation of international agreements of Ukraine by structural units of the apparatus of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, territorial bodies for the provision of services of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, institutions, institutions and enterprises belonging to the sphere of management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the National Guard of Ukraine and on behalf of the Minister — CEV. 6th. Ensuring the implementation of the powers of the Minister of Internal Affairs to negotiate and sign international treaties of Ukraine. 7th. Engagement of international technical assistance and monitoring of the implementation of projects of international technical assistance programs by structural units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs apparatus, territorial bodies for the provision of service services of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, institutions, institutions and enterprises belonging to the sphere of management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the National Guard of Ukraine and by order of the Minister — CEV.
Department of Regime and Civil Service
Department of State Property and Resources
1. Ensuring the implementation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs functions for the management of objects of state property in accordance with the legislation. 2. Organization of material and technical and resource support of the activities of the apparatus of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, territorial bodies, institutions, institutions and enterprises belonging to the sphere of management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the National Guard of Ukraine. 3. Management and monitoring of radio frequency resource assigned to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine. 4. Control and implementation of measures to ensure fire safety in the apparatus of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, territorial bodies, institutions, institutions and enterprises belonging to the sphere of management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. 5. Carrying out work (provision of services) related to ensuring the unity of measurements”.
Office of Documentation of Official Activities
ensuring the exercise by citizens of the constitutional right to appeal, organization of consideration of appeals and requests of people's deputies of Ukraine, requests for information, lawyer requests. Implementation of methodological guidance and monitoring in the specified areas of work in the apparatus of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, territorial bodies, institutions, institutions and enterprises belonging to the sphere of management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and on behalf of the Minister in the central executive bodies, the activities of which are directed and coordinated by the Cabinet Ministers of Ukraine through the Minister of Internal Affairs (hereinafter — CEV);
Corruption Prevention Office
implementation of measures to identify a conflict of interest in the apparatus of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, facilitate its settlement, inform the head of the relevant unit and the National Agency about the identification of the conflict of interest and the measures taken to resolve it, and on the instructions of the Minister of Internal Affairs in carrying out such measures in the CEV;